Chapter 4 Notes
Epithelial and Connective Tissue

Histology: the study of tissues

1. Definition

 Epithelial Tissue

2. Characteristics

3. Types of Epithelial Tissue

Simple Squamous epithelium

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Simple columnar epithelium

Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

 Transitional epithelium

Glandular Epithelium

Histology online sites

Connective Tissue

4. Characteristics

5. Types of Connective Tissue

Areolar connective tissue (areolar)

Dense connective tissue

Elastic connective tissue

Reticular connective tissue

Adipose connective tissue


Hyaline cartilage

Elastic cartilage

Bone tissue

                        2. Spongy bone
                            - irregular lattice work of bone called trabecula
                            - spaces filled with red bone marrow
                            - osteocytes trapped within calcium matrix

    Connective Tissue Lab