
CHE 121- Introduction to Chemistry

  • Draw conclusions based on analysis of graphic and numeric data gathered from chemistry experiments
  • Solve chemical equations
  • Gather, record and organize data and compose lab reports in a scientifically acceptable format
  • Demonstrate safe and proper use of the standard tools of the chemistry lab

CHE 131- College Chemistry I

  • Draw conclusions based on analysis of graphic and numeric data gathered from chemistry experiments.
  • Solve chemical equations.
  • Compose a formal lab report in a scientifically acceptable format.
  • Deliver effective classroom presentations on relevant chemistry subjects.
  • Demonstrate safe and proper use of the standard tools of the chemistry lab.

CHE 132- College Chemistry II

  • Draw conclusions based on analysis of graphic and numeric data gathered from chemistry experiments.
  • Analyze chemical equilibria in a quantitative and qualitative manner.
  • Compose a formal lab report in a scientifically acceptable format.
  • Deliver effective classroom presentations on relevant chemistry subjects.
  • Demonstrate safe and proper use of the standard tools of the chemistry lab.

CHE 151- General Chemistry for Engineering and Science I

  • Set up and perform basic stoichiometric calculations.
  • Judge if answers obtained from calculations are chemically reasonable.
  • Predict products and energy changes of simple chemical reactions.
  • Utilize chemical terminology to explain chemical and physical processes at a molecular level.
  • Utilize basic chemical scientific terminology to describe and explain chemical and physical processes at a molecular level in order to predict macroscopic properties of matter.
  • Predict atomic and molecular structure and chemical periodicity using principles of quantum chemistry.

CHE 152- General Chemistry for Engineering and Science II

  • Predict the impact of intermolecular forces on physical properties of molecules and solutions.
  • Assess the rate and order of a reaction.
  • Evaluate reaction mechanisms.
  • Distinguish whether a reaction is spontaneous using entropy, Gibb's energy, and cell potential.
  • Analyze chemical equilibria in a quantitative and qualitative manner.
  • Evaluate the properties of acids and bases and their effects on pH.

CHE 160- Principles of Biochemistry

  • Relate biochemical principles to everyday life.
  • Explain the chemical structures and functions of biomolecules.
  • Analyze the role of biomolecules in biological membranes and major metabolic pathways.
  • Use good laboratory practices while conducting standard laboratory procedures commonly used in biotechnology.
  • Draw conclusions based on analysis of graphic and numeric data gathered from biochemistry experiments.
  • Deliver effective presentations about biochemistry using content and techniques appropriate to the biotech industry.

CHE 251-Organic Chemistry I and Lab

  • Name organic molecules using IUPAC convention
  • Interpret and apply standard conventions for drawing organic molecules.
  • Apply principles of conformational analysis to acyclic and cyclic organic molecules
  • Determine configuration of stereocenters and relationships of chiral structures
  • Draw resonance structures and apply them to conjugation, aromaticity, and molecular stability
  • Draw reasonable arrow-pushing mechanisms to show movement of electrons for organic reactions.
  • Evaluate reactions feasibility using kinetic and thermodynamic data and predict products of organic reactions
  • Interpret spectra from infrared spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and Mass Spectrometry to determine structural features and/or molecular structure

CHE 252- Organic Chemistry II and Lab

  • Interpret and apply standard conventions for drawing organic molecules.
  • Draw resonance structures and apply them to conjugation, aromaticity, and molecular stability
  • Draw reasonable arrow-pushing mechanisms to show movement of electrons for organic reactions.
  • Evaluate reactions feasibility using kinetic and thermodynamic data
  • Predict products of organic reactions
  • Propose a sequence of reactions to synthesize target molecules from simple organic building blocks
  • Interpret spectra from infrared spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and Mass Spectrometry to determine structural features and/or molecular structure


Last Modified: 7/23/24