
COM 101- Introduction to Communication and Media

  • Apply fundamental elements of the communication process.
  • Generate quality responses that summarize significant events in the development of each form of media surveyed.
  • Develop and apply skills in media literacy and critical media analysis.
  • Analyze the media's role in shaping society, along with our role in shaping the media.
  • Describe the importance of media communication now and in the future.
  • Predict the issues facing the future of media.
  • Appraise the ethical and philosophical issues that arise within the media landscape and the various viewpoints this includes.

COM 102- Media Ethics & Law

  • Critically appraise ethical dilemmas within the context of media.
  • Analyze and write about media in terms of legal, ethical, and moral implications.
  • Discuss legal and ethical dilemmas with others in a way that is both respectful and productive.
  • Apply ethical concepts of truthfulness, intellectual honesty, accuracy, sensitivity, fairness, balance, and transparency in resolving an ethical dilemma.
  • Evaluate key laws impacting the media.
  • Understand and explain the differences, and the interaction between ethical obligations and legal imperatives in media.
  • Develop and articulate personal ethical and moral beliefs from the perspective of a media maker.

COM 103- Public Speaking and Professional Presentations

  • Construct effectively organized, audience-centered, and professionally delivered oral presentations for informative and persuasive context using proper source documentation.
  • Gather and analyze the reliability and validity of print and electronic sources for building credibility in oral presentations.
  • Apply ethics and civility such as avoiding plagiarism, citing sources orally, developing tolerance for difference of opinion, and evaluating evidence and arguments when constructing and delivering oral presentations.
  • Execute oral presentations with verbal and nonverbal fluency in extemporaneous, impromptu and public reading delivery methods.
  • Report increased self confidence in oral communication skills for interpersonal, group, and public settings.

COM 104- Message Design

  • Evaluate and respond to aural and visual messages.
  • Integrate design principles, apply the creative design process, and consider social context when producing aural and visual messages.
  • Choose the appropriate design tools when creating aural and visual messages.
  • Consider ethical implications and apply ethical decision making in message design.
  • Critically reflect on professional practice.

COM 105- Introduction to Short Film Production

  • Critically articulate the history, theory, and current practices of film production.
  • Demonstrate competency in digital film production.
  • Demonstrate competency in film editing.
  • Produce digital film projects, following the stages of the production process.
  • Collaborate with classmates to design and produce film projects.
  • Consider ethical implications and apply ethical decision making in the field of film production.
  • Critically reflect on professional practice

COM 106- Film & Society

  • Use film-specific language to critically evaluate and analyze the technical and artistic merits of a film.
  • Draw relationships between a film and contemporary society.
  • Discuss the role of film in society and culture in a way that is both respectful and productive.
  • Write an effective and coherent film analysis.

COM 107- Public Relations

  • Create and produce news releases, pitch letters, reports and brochures, as well as harness new and emerging online and social media tools.
  • Promote and defend a brand's image and reputation.
  • Collaborate with classmates to address PR challenges and opportunities through the creation and presentation of strategies and campaigns.
  • Consider ethical implications and apply ethical decision making in the field of public relations.
  • Critically reflect on professional practice.

COM 110- Screenwriting

  • Analyze both film and television scripts in terms of storytelling principles - act structure, plot, scene construction, character arc, tone, mood and theme.
  • Pitch a film and television script idea.
  • Write a log-line, beat sheet, and treatment for a screenplay.
  • Correctly format narrative film and episodic television scripts.
  • Develop and write scripts for short films and television episodes.
  • Consider ethical implications and apply ethical decision making in the field of screenwriting.
  • Critically reflect on professional practice.

COM 115- Introduction to Human Communication

  • Critically examine and apply communication principles in various contexts (the self, interpersonal, group, public settings)
  • Report increased self-confidence in communication settings
  • Apply knowledge of verbal and nonverbal communication in sending and receiving messages
  • Demonstrate the ability to organize information, adapt messages and behaviors to different communication contexts
  • Employ appropriate listening and responding behaviors
  • Demonstrate respect for cultural and social diversity with an increasing literacy to support examining human communication through an anti-biased/anti-racist, intersectional lens

COM 116- Interpersonal Communication

  • Report increased self-confidence in communication in interpersonal, group, and public settings.
  • Identify elements of the communication process and their application to interpersonal interactions.
  • Critique and evaluate communication interactions to provide evidence of effective or non-effective communication (verbal, nonverbal, listening & responding) to include the influence of cultural and social diversity.
  • Critically examine and discuss the role that perception and self-concept play in everyday communication interactions.
  • Demonstrate the ability to organize information, adapt messages and behaviors to different communication contexts
  • Analyze communication practices of self and others and apply theories of interpersonal communication.
  • Demonstrate respect for cultural and social diversity with increasing literacy to support examining interpersonal communication through an anti-biased/anti-racist, intersectional lens

COM 119- Shakespeare and Film

  • Express literary concepts orally
  • Create written documents that employ Standard English spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization
  • Create analytical essays that develop a central point supported by textual and other evidence
  • Evaluate literary texts, including major themes and connections to students’ lives
  • Analyze varied cultural and global elements in literature (setting, values, topics, themes, etc.)
  • Articulate broadening awareness of similarities and differences between 17th century English culture and their own

COM 121- Introduction Video Production

  • Critically articulate the history, theory, and current practices of video production.
  • Demonstrate competency in video production.
  • Demonstrate competency in video editing.
  • Produce digital video projects, following the stages of the production process.
  • Collaborate with classmates to design and produce media projects.
  • Consider ethical implications and apply ethical decision making in the field of digital video production.
  • Critically reflect on professional practice.

COM 123- Introduction to Audio Production

  • Critically articulate the history, theory, and current practices of audio production.
  • Demonstrate competency in audio production.
  • Demonstrate competency in audio editing.
  • Produce audio projects, following the stages of the production process.
  • Collaborate with classmates to design and produce media projects.
  • Consider ethical implications and apply ethical decision making in the field of audio production.
  • Critically reflect on professional practice.

COM 124- Media Writing

  • Apply information-gathering and effective listening techniques, including interviewing.
  • Use professional stylebooks and guides to format writing for a particular media.
  • Make distinctions in content of various types of media writing.
  • Write content for a variety of media.
  • Articulate ethical, legal, and copyright issues related to writing.
  • Consider ethical implications and apply ethical decision making in the field of media writing.
  • Critically reflect on professional practice.

COM 125- Social Media

  • Discuss the history of Social Media and the most current platforms.
  • Evaluate and compare the appropriateness of social media tools for particular uses.
  • Identify and analyze current social media issues and controversies.
  • Create and curate social media content.
  • Build professional networks and a personal brand using social media tools.
  • Consider ethical implications and apply ethical decision making in the field of social media.
  • Critically reflect on professional practice.

COM 127- Introduction to Crisis Communication

  • Conduct a vulnerability audit to identify potential challenges to an image and reputation crisis.
  • Develop a crisis communications plan and multidisciplinary team to address the event.
  • Work with print, broadcast and social media during highly public and stressful events.
  • Issue timely and credible information to employees and other stakeholders.
  • Coach spokespeople on the tough questions that they may be asked by the media during the crisis.
  • Consider ethical implications and apply ethical decision making in the field of crisis communications.
  • Critically reflect on professional practice.

COM 143-  Race, Class, and Gender: Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar 

  • Communicate the significance and interrelated nature of the various dimensions of social inequality (race, class, gender, ethnicity, class, disability, sexuality, religion, etc), how these categories are maintained or transformed, and how these categories impact social conceptions of justice.
  • Critically analyze and evaluate how social inequalities exist in social institutions, individual experiences, and among communities.
  • Relate individual-level experiences and characteristics to historical patterns and institutional-level social processes.
  • Apply the insights of this course to issues that affect communities internally, at the local, regional, national, or global level. Evaluate the nature of these issues and create solutions to further advance social justice for those constituents.

COM 150- Introduction to Journalism

  • Examine and implement reporting strategies for print, broadcast and online news
  • Write a hard news story in inverted pyramid style and modified inverted pyramid style.
  • Write a compelling feature story.
  • Cover a geographic or community beat, developing and producing a story in text, audio, and video.
  • Apply rules for copy editing, headline writing, photo selection and page layout (digital and print).
  • Articulate the news cycle and develop skill in handling breaking news.
  • Consider ethical implications and apply ethical decision making in the field of journalism.
  • Critically reflect on professional practice.

COM 156- Media & Motion Design

  • Describe and apply fundamental principles of time-based media including duration, sequencing, and movement.
  • Implement appropriate techniques and the design processes to develop time-based media projects such as animation and video.
  • Create short 2D audio visual motion design sequences.
  • Explore and evaluate good practice in animation, video/film and/or sound works, especially in terms of narrative structure and character design.
  • Describe, in written and oral presentations, the creative and technical processes involved in the development of a motion design product from concept to completion.

COM 170- Podcasting

  • Develop a compelling podcast concept aligned with your goals and audience.
  • Set up and operate recording equipment, microphones, and software.
  • Edit and enhance audio using industry-standard software.
  • Explore podcast hosting platforms, distribution channels, and RSS feeds.
  • Understand the importance of metadata, cover art, and show descriptions.
  • Develop a marketing strategy to build and engage your podcast audience.

COM 180- Media Literacy in the Age of AI

  • Understand and apply advanced media literacy skills to critically assess the authenticity and integrity of digital media, recognizing the nuances of mis- and disinformation.
  • Gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge open-source tools for verifying digital content authenticity, as established by the Content Authenticity Initiative, enhancing digital literacy and technical skills.
  • Develop the ability to promote transparency in content creation by incorporating verified provenance, especially in contexts where AI plays a significant role in content generation or alteration.
  • Analyze and interpret the role of media in modern information conflicts, understanding the strategic use of media to influence public perception and policy.
  • Explore digital forensics and the principles of image integrity within photojournalism, preparing for the challenges of preserving truthfulness in visual storytelling.
  • Examine the implications of technologies like deep fakes on the future of media, society, and democracy, fostering a forward-looking perspective on digital content's ethical production and consumption.

COM 221- Communication Internship

  • Engage in professional behavior when working in the communication industry.
  • Understand and appreciate diversity and be sensitive to the needs of others.
  • Evaluate and analyze the culture of a workplace.
  • Reflect analytically on their contributions to an organization.
  • Apply communication theory and skills in a real world communication environment.
  • Expand on their ability to work independently or in a team.

COM 222- Communication Internship

  • Engage in professional behavior when working in the communication industry.
  • Understand and appreciate diversity and be sensitive to the needs of others.
  • Evaluate and analyze the culture of a workplace.
  • Reflect analytically on their contributions to an organization.
  • Apply communication theory and skills in a real world communication environment.
  • Expand on their ability to work independently or in a team

COM 223- Communication Internship

  • Engage in professional behavior when working in the communication industry.
  • Understand and appreciate diversity and be sensitive to the needs of others.
  • Evaluate and analyze the culture of a workplace.
  • Reflect analytically on their contributions to an organization.
  • Apply communication theory and skills in a real world communication environment.
  • Expand on their ability to work independently or in a team.

COM 228- Social Media Marketing

  • Identify various social media platforms' key characteristics, audiences, and marketing potentials.
  • Craft compelling content tailored to specific social media platforms, aligning with brand voice and marketing objectives.
  • Implement strategies to engage with users, grow followers, and foster community, using best practices for timing, hashtags, and interactions.
  • Utilize social media analytics tools to track campaign performance, gain insights into audience behavior, and make data-driven decisions to optimize future campaigns.
  • Demonstrate how social media fits within an integrated marketing plan, complementing other digital and traditional marketing efforts.
  • Adapt to rapidly changing social media trends and technologies, incorporating innovative approaches into marketing strategies.
  • Effectively communicate and collaborate professionally, presenting social media marketing plans and reports to peers and industry professionals.

COM 230- Editing and Post-Production

  • Critically articulate the history, theory, and current practices of editing and post-production.
  • Articulate the techniques editors use to construct stories.
  • Improve skills using non-linear editing software to edit video and audio footage.
  • Demonstrate professional style color correction.
  • Describe video formats and principles.
  • Consider ethical implications and apply ethical decision making in the field of editing and post-production.
  • Critically reflect on professional practice with the field of editing and post-production.

COM 292- U.S. History through Film: Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar 

  • Identify the different periods of U.S. history in the 20th and 21st centuries
  • Analyze how film portrayals of specific groups have changed over time
  • Compare and contrast how groups are covered in U.S. history and film
  • Connect relationships between film and society.
  • Evaluate the ways in which film is influenced and shaped by individuals, movements, institutions, and technologies
  • Consider how a film offers a set of social, political, and cultural ideas and questions through form and content.


Last Modified: 9/6/24