
DAN 101- Introduction to Modern Dance

  • Demonstrate physical strength, flexibility, body part articulation and kinesthetic awareness
  • Contribute to a creative and supportive environment for learning where all levels and dance styles are valued and respected.
  • Synthesize research on the early pioneers that broke away from classical ballet tradition to form a completely new style and art form.
  • Apply methods of organic movement, gesture, improvisation, body alignment and deviation to create original choreography that will be performed. 

DAN 102- Jazz Dance

  • Understand and execute a thorough Jazz Warm-up
  • Demonstrate a mastery of Basic Jazz movements
  • Apply principles of basic music theory to dance within a frame of music
  • Articulate an appreciation of Jazz dance as an art form through written reflection of live dance performances
  • Perform a dance piece using knowledge gained in class

DAN 105- Introduction to Ballet

  • Demonstrate physical strength, control, flexibility, body part articulation, kinesthetic awareness and movement vocabulary and ballet skill
  • Contribute to a creative and supportive environment for learning where all levels and dance styles are valued and respected.
  • Synthesize research on the history of ballet from its origins through its expansion
  • Apply the vocabulary and technique of ballet and create a presentation that will be performed.

DAN 106-Introduction to Tap

  • Perform in front of an audience demonstrating technical skill
  • Apply dance terminology
  • Synthesize dance steps with musicality and fluidity
  • Demonstrate flexibility and spontaneity through improvisation
DAN 108- Hip Hop Dance
  • Differentiate between various dance types.
  • Explain the historical significance of hip-hop dance and street dance culture.
  • Incorporate vocabulary appropriate to street dance culture into class discussions.
  • Describe basic concepts of hip-hop (body action, dynamic variation, movement through space, expression, and motivation/intention).
  • Apply basic concepts of hip-hop to the performance of hip-hop.
  • Demonstrate basic rhythm skills and weight changes in a variety of meters and mixed meters, qualities and characteristics.
  • Demonstrate strength, flexibility, coordination, body awareness, and body alignment related to hip-hop dance.

DAN 135- Choreography and Composition

  • Develop physical strength, flexibility, body part articulation, kinesthetic awareness
  • Contribute to a creative and supportive environment for learning where all levels and dance styles are valued and respected.
  • Research visual arts, poetry, and music that elicit an impulse to create movement
  • Apply methods of organic movement, gesture, improvisation, theme/variation, cannon, stillness and movement patterns to create original choreography and composition
Last Modified: 7/23/24