
EGR 101- Introduction to Engineering

  • Discuss the different disciplines within engineering.
  • Demonstrate written and oral communication skills
  • Read engineering plans.
  • Use practical engineering software packages such as Microsoft Excel, AutoCAD and MATLAB.
  • Apply mathematics and engineering principles to analyze and solve technical problems.

EGR 104- Principles of Electric Circuits

  • Use analytical tools to solve AC and DC circuit problems
  • Identify the characteristics of DC sources, and calculate their effect on voltage and current.
  • Analyze AC and transient behavior of resistors, capacitors, and inductors.
  • Use the concept of impedance for analysis of series and parallel AC circuits.
  • Analyze RLC circuits for power, voltage, current, and frequency response.

EGR 210- Statics

  • Apply the rules of manipulating vectors
  • Construct a complete free-body diagram and write the appropriate equilibrium equation from the free-body diagram.
  • Apply Newton's Laws to solve engineering problems.
  • Recognize a statically indeterminate frame.
  • Solve problems involving static friction

EGR 211- Strength of Materials

  • Analyze and design structural members subjected to tension, compression, torsion, bending and combined stresses using the fundamental concepts of stress, strain and elastic behavior of materials
  • Utilize appropriate materials in design considering engineering properties, sustainability, cost and weight
  • Perform engineering work in accordance with ethical and economic constraints related to the design of structures and machine parts.

EGR 212- Dynamics

  • Describe and analyze the motion of a particle along a straight line.
  • Utilize Newton's second law to determine the acceleration of an object and/or the forces acing on an object.
  • Apply the concepts of work and energy to determine the change in linear velocity of an object.
  • Implement the concepts of impulse and momentum to analyze the motion of an object during a period of time and determine velocities of objects after impact.

EGR 213- Materials Science for Engineers

  • Define the broad classification of materials into metals, ceramics, polymers, and composite materials based on atomic bonding, crystal structure and properties.
  • Analyze materials properties upon composition, structure, and processing with emphasis on mechanical properties.
  • Apply materials properties to the selection of materials for design, production, and end use.

EGR 214- Thermodynamics

  • Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to solve thermodynamics problems.
  • Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems related to thermodynamics.
  • Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.

EGR 215- Data Communication Networks

  • Identify the components and their respective roles in data communications and networking systems.
  • Explain communication protocols and layered network architectures.
  • Explain IP subnet networks, LAN technologies, and mobile communications networks.
  • Design a basic network system.

EGR 216- Logic Design

  • Analyze combinational and sequential circuits
  • Design and synthetize combinational circuits using Small Scale and Medium Scale Integrated circuits (SSI, MSI) and programable logic devices
  • Design and synthetize synchronous sequential circuits
  • Apply design techniques of combinational and sequential circuits to the design of more complex circuits using register level logic. 

EGR 217- Material Balances

  • Write material balances for individual and multiple-unit processes with and without recycle and bypass loops. Set up material balance equations and solve for unknown variables.
  • Use chemical reaction stoichiometry and the concepts of limiting reactant and extent of reaction as the basis for writing and solving material balances on reactive systems involving single and multiple reactions.
  • Utilize physical properties and laws that govern the behavior of single and multi-phase systems, i.e., liquid and solid densities, ideal gases, equations of state and the compressibility factor for non-ideal gases, single component phase equilibrium and single and multi-component gas-liquid systems.
  • Using the forms of energy a system can possess and ways in which energy can be transferred across system boundaries, derive the general energy balance equation for closed (batch) and open (semi-batch and continuous) steady state systems.
  • Develop methods for calculating enthalpy changes that accompany chemical reaction from physical property data and incorporate heat of reaction into the energy balance equation for a reactive process to determine heating and cooling requirements.

EGR 260- Electric Circuits Theory I

  • Explain basic circuit concepts such as the characteristics of basic circuit elements, volt-amp relationships and energy properties.
  • Use lab equipment appropriately to make required measurements.
  • Apply circuit laws such as Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws and the properties of the elements.
  • Solve circuit problems systematically using nodal and mesh analysis and by re-formulating a circuit problem into a linear algebra problem.
  • Utilize circuit theorems to simplify circuit analysis, develop insight into the relationship between input and output, and changing parameters.
  • Recognize the dynamic and transient properties of simple first-order and second-order circuits to describe the dynamic behavior of a circuit with differential equations.

EGR 261- Electric Circuit Theory II

  • Solve circuit problems systematically using the phasor concept and determining impedance and admittance of passive circuits.
  • Apply mesh and nodal analysis, superposition, source transformation, Thevenin and Norton's Theorems to passive circuits.
  • Solve the average and effective values of different periodic waveforms.
  • Utilize different power concepts like the apparent and average power, power factor and complex power to circuits.
  • Solve the Bode Magnitude and Phase Plots of functions.
  • Explain the mutual inductance between coils and some basic principles of transformers.
  • Use lab instrumentation appropriately to make required measurements and analysis.
Last Modified: 7/23/24