
ETH 101- Ethics & Society

  • Identify key philosophical figures and movements in the sub-field of moral philosophy.
  • Apply the methods and concepts of philosophy to moral issues.
  • Read closely, critically analyze and construct arguments,
  • Communicate effectively via written and oral discourse.

ETH 102- Business Ethics

  • Distinguish legal point of view from ethical point of view
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the primary governmental restraints on immorality in business, and to anticipate common occupational hazards
  • Read closely, critically analyze and construct arguments
  • Communicate effectively via written and oral discourse

ETH 103- Technology & Society

  • Evaluate the similarities and differences between ethical systems in written form.
  • Apply and communicate ethical models and analysis as related to technological issues encountered in disparate social contexts.
  • Identify and critique ethical and moral issues raised by the social impact of various institutions.

ETH 105- Introduction to Bioethics

  • Apply established ethical principles, normative ethical theories and contemporary non-normative ethical theories for moral reasoning to relevant scenarios in the health professions.
  • Demonstrate an awareness of and some skills in cultural competence and humility as applied to working with health care cases of culturally and racially-diverse persons
  • Analyze their own ethical stories, assumptions, values and commitments to further students’ self-reflexivity for dealing with diverse persons

Last Modified: 7/23/24