Fire Protection and Safety Technology

FPS 100- Introduction to Fire Protection

  • Illustrate and explain the history and culture of the fire service.
  • Analyze the basic components of fire as a chemical chain reaction, the major phases of fire, and examine the main factors that influence fire spread and fire behavior
  • Differentiate between fire service training and education and explain the value of higher education to the professionalization of the fire service.
  • List and describe the major organizations that provide emergency response service and illustrate how they interrelate.
  • Identify fire protection and emergency service careers in both public and private sector.
  • Define he role of national, State and local support organizations in fire and emergency services.
  • Discuss and describe the scope, purpose, and organizational structure of fire and emergency services.
  • Describe the common types of fire and emergency service facilities, equipment, and apparatus.
  • Compare and contrast effective management concepts for various emergency situations.
  • Identify the primary responsibilities of fire prevention personnel including, code enforcement, public information, and public and private protection systems.
  • Recognize the components of career preparation and goal setting.
  • Describe the importance of wellness and fitness as it relates to emergency services.

FPS 101- Fundamentals of Fire Prevention

  • Define the national fire problem and role of fire prevention.
  • Identify and describe fire prevention organizations and associations.
  • Define laws, rules, regulations, and codes and identify those relevant to fire prevention of the authority having jurisdiction.
  • Define the functions of a fire prevention bureau.
  • Describe inspection practices and procedures.
  • Identify and describe the standards for professional qualifications for Fire Marshal, Plans Examiner, Fire Inspector, Fire and Life Safety Educator, and Fire Investigator.
  • List opportunities in professional development for fire prevention personnel.
  • Describe the history and philosophy of fire prevention.

FPS 150- Hazardous Materials

  • Distinguish between hazardous materials incidents and other emergencies
  • Discuss the roles of Awareness-Level and Operations-Level responders
  • Describe the various types of hazardous materials hazards
  • Discuss and explain each of the routes of entry
  • Discuss the U.S., Canadian, and Mexican HazMat regulations and definitions
  • Discuss the seven (7) clues to the presence of hazardous materials
  • Discuss the occupancy types, locations, and pre-incident surveys that may indicate HazMat
  • Describe container shapes that may contain HazMat
  • Discuss resources available to indicate the presence of HazMat
  • Discuss the limitations of using the senses to determine the presence of absence of HazMat
  • Discuss monitoring and detection devices
  • Discuss the how to identify terrorist attacks and illicit laboratories
  • Discuss the chemical properties and behaviors of HazMat
  • Discuss HazMat incident management and incident priorities
  • Discuss respiratory protection and protective clothing and their use and care
  • Discuss and describe the various methods of decontamination
  • Discuss and describe the various methods of product control

FPS 151- Fire Science Hydraulics

  • Explain how to operate a Fire Department Pumper, including flowing water and backing vehicle into predetermined spaces.
  • Select the proper nozzle and hose size required for extinguishment, given various fire scenarios.
  • Describe the effects of nozzle reaction upon opening and closing the nozzle of a charged hoseline.
  • Identify all methods of heat transfer.
  • Compare friction loss to pressure in fire hose.
  • Calculate the effect of pressure and friction loss in high-rise buildings.
  • Be prepared to calculate, using algebraic formula’s, required engine pressure for a given scenario.
  • Identify 2 different styles of foam appliances and explain its implementation.
  • Explain sequence of placing a fire engine into the pumping mode.
  • Understand and explain how atmospheric pressure controls a pumps ability to draft water from a static source.

FPS 152- Fire Protection Systems and Equipment

  • Explain the benefits of fire protection systems in various types of structures.
  • Describe the basic elements of a public water supply system including sources, distribution networks, piping and hydrants.
  • Explain why water is a commonly used extinguishing agent.
  • Identify the different types and components of sprinkler, standpipe and foam systems.
  • Review residential and commercial sprinkler legislation.
  • Identify the different types of non-water based fire suppression systems.
  • Explain the basic components of a fire alarm system.
  • Identify the different types of detectors and explain how they detect fire.
  • Describe the hazards of smoke and list the four factors that can influence smoke movement in a building.
  • Discuss the appropriate application of fire protection systems.
  • Explain the operation and appropriate application for the different types of portable fire protection systems.

FPS 153- Building Construction for Fire

  • Describe building construction as it relates to firefighter safety, building codes, fire prevention, code inspection, firefighting strategy, and tactics.
  • Classify major types of building construction in accordance with a local/model building code.
  • Analyze the hazards and tactical considerations associated with the various types of building construction.
  • Explain the different loads and stresses that are placed on a building and their interrelationships.
  • Identify the function of each principle structural component in typical building design.
  • Differentiate between fire resistance, flame spread, and describe the testing procedures used to establish ratings for each.
  • Classify occupancy designations of the building code.
  • Identify the indicators of potential structural failure as they relate to firefighter safety.
  • Identify the role of GIS as it relates to building construction.
  • Better understand the behavior of buildings under fire conditions
  • Understand how fire protection systems affect building construction and the communication of fire

FPS 160- Principles of Fire and Emergency Services

  • Define and describe the need for cultural and behavioral change within the emergency services relating to safety, incorporating leadership, supervision, accountability and personal responsibility.
  • Explain the need for enhancements of personal and organizational accountability for health and safety.
  • Define how concepts of risk management affect strategies and tactical decision-making.
  • Describe and evaluate circumstances that might constitute an unsafe act.
  • Explain the concept of empowering all emergency services personnel to stop unsafe acts.
  • Validate the need for national training standards s they correlate to professional development inclusive of qualifications, certifications, and re-certifications.
  • Defend the need for annual medical evaluations and the establishment of physical fitness criteria for emergency services personnel throughout their careers.
  • Explain the vital role of local departments in national research and data collections systems.
  • Illustrate how technological advancements can produce higher levels of emergency services safety and survival.
  • Explain the importance of investigating all near-misses, injuries, and fatalities.
  • Discuss how incorporating the lessons learned from investigations can support cultural change throughout the emergency services.
  • Describe how obtaining grants can support safety and survival initiatives.
  • Formulate an awareness of how adopting standardized policies for responding to emergency scenes can minimize near-misses, injuries and deaths.
  • Explain how the increase in violent incidents impacts safety for emergency services personnel when responding to emergency scenes.
  • Recognize the need for counseling and psychological support for emergency services personnel, their families, as well as, identify access to local resources and services.
  • Describe the importance of public education as a critical component of life safety programs.
  • Discuss the importance of fire sprinklers and code enforcement.
  • Explain the importance of safety in the design of apparatus and equipment.

FPS 200- Fire Arson Investigation

  • Identify the responsibilities of a firefighter when responding to the scene of a fire, including scene security and evidence preservation
  • Describe the implications of constitutional amendments as they apply to fire investigations
  • Identify key case law decisions that have affected fire investigations
  • Define the common terms used in fire investigations
  • Explain the basic elements of fire dynamics and how they affect cause determination
  • Compare the types of building construction on fire progression
  • Describe how fire progression is affected by fire protection systems and building design
  • Discuss the basic principles of electricity as an ignition source
  • Recognize potential health and safety hazards
  • Describe the process of conducting investigations using scientific method
  • Identify cause and origin and differentiate between accidental and incendiary
  • Explain the procedures used for investigating vehicle fires
  • Identify the characteristics of an incendiary fire and common motives of the fire setter

FPS 201- Fire Company Officership

  • Learn to be a leader and supervisor of firefighting crews
  • Manage a station budget
  • Learn the importance of knowing their response district
  • Learn the importance of departmental operational procedures
  • Learn to effectively use incident management systems to control an incident
  • Learn the importance of fire prevention, inspections, and local fire and building ordinances

FPS 203- Law and the Fire Service

  • Define the different types of laws.
  • Discuss federal, state, and local laws and liabilities applicable to emergency services.
  • Explain the purpose of national codes and standards.
  • Discuss applicable court decisions that have influenced emergency services.
  • Recognize the legal issues and concerns affecting emergency services

Last Modified: 7/23/24