Computer, Software and Network Technology

NST 121- Computer Systems Fundamentals

  • Outline the basic functionality of computer architecture, CPU, memory, data storage, and I/O devices.
  • Explain the interactions of computer architecture, operation systems, and applications.
  • Define number systems, truth tables, Boolean algebra, digital logic, and data representation.
  • Demonstrate Linux system operational and administrative tasks.
  • Discuss the hardware and software interactions required for virtualization and cloud computing.
  • Describe methods of data backup and recovery.

NST 181- Networking I

  • Explain concepts of computer networking, including types, protocols, and security considerations.
  • Design and implement a local area network.
  • Implement IPv6 and IPv4 networks using networking equipment.
  • Methodically diagnose network problems.
  • Communicate networking topics to non-technical colleagues.

NST 231- Networking II

  • Implement various ethernet technologies, including VLANs, Spanning Tree Protocol, and channelization.
  • Configure and troubleshoot basic Wireless LAN systems
  • Utilize systems to provide dynamic IPv6 and IPv4 address assignments.
  • Design and implement basic IP routing systems with redundancies.
  • Securely configure networking equipment.

NST 235- Networking III

  • Construct networks that use secure dynamic routing.
  • Utilize access control lists to operate and secure networks.
  • Explain software-defined networks, controller-based architectures.
  • Describe network automation through the use of APIs.
  • Explain the use of wide-area networks, virtual private networks, and IPSec technologies for building large secure networks.
  • Discuss network management tools and their use in managing and securing networks.

NST 260- Electric Circuits Theory I

  • Explain basic circuit concepts such as the characteristics of basic circuit elements, volt-amp relationships and energy properties.
  • Use lab equipment appropriately to make required measurements.
  • Apply circuit laws such as Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws and the properties of the elements.
  • Solve circuit problems systematically using nodal and mesh analysis and by re-formulating a circuit problem into a linear algebra problem.
  • Utilize circuit theorems to simplify circuit analysis, develop insight into the relationship between input and output, and changing parameters.
  • Recognize the dynamic and transient properties of simple first-order and second-order circuits to describe the dynamic behavior of a circuit with differential equations.

NST 261- Electric Circuits Theory II

  • Solve circuit problems systematically using the phasor concept and determining impedance and admittance of passive circuits.
  • Apply mesh and nodal analysis, superposition, source transformation, Thevenin and Norton's Theorems to passive circuits.
  • Solve the average and effective values of different periodic waveforms.
  • Utilize different power concepts like the apparent and average power, power factor and complex power to circuits.
  • Solve the Bode Magnitude and Phase Plots of functions.
  • Explain the mutual inductance between coils and some basic principles of transformers.
  • Use lab instrumentation appropriately to make required measurements and analysis.
Last Modified: 7/23/24