Accessibility Policy Statement

Any person with a disability needing accommodations, assistance, or auxiliary communication aids or services to participate in programs or activities of Middlesex Community College can email the ADA Coordinator, Pamela Medina, or call 781-280-3536 to make their needs and preferences known.

MCC’S Website Accessibility Statement

Middlesex Community College is committed to providing accessibility to our students, faculty, staff and community in all areas from the classroom to the web. We strive to utilize the latest technology and best practices to ensure an accessible user experience on our website.

It is not always possible to fully adhere to all accessibility guidelines, though Middlesex Community College always strives to do so to the best of our ability.

As technology and trends change, we are always looking for ways to align with best practices to ensure an accessible website. If you are experiencing any accessibility or functionality issues related to website, please use this online form to contact the ADA Coordinator who will typically reply to you within two (2) business days. The form asks you to provide your contact information, the link/URL with which you are experiencing an issue, a description of the issue you are experiencing, and your role at Middlesex (student, faculty/staff, or prospective student). Also, please include information such as the browser type and version, operating systems and assistive technology that you are using when you encounter this issue.

If your issue is not related to a disability, please contact Middlesex Information Technology at 978-656-3301 for phone support 24/7 or by email to

Last Modified: 5/8/24