Web Policy

The World Wide Web is one of the primary ways in which Middlesex Community College presents itself externally and communicates to various audiences. Therefore, it is essential that websites of the College present an image that is unified, of high quality, and favorably represents the College and its mission.

The purpose of MCC's Web Policy is to ensure accuracy, consistency, integrity, and protection of the Middlesex identity and image by providing a set of standards and guidelines for websites supporting College departments, programs, facilities, organizations and affiliates.

This Web Policy is intended to serve as a valuable and accurate resource for those who contribute in any way to the Web presence of Middlesex Community College. It sets minimal standards to ensure that information published electronically is visually appealing, well written, and follows the same high standards as other forms of published information at the College.

Please direct any questions or comments to the Technology Center Service Desk: servicedesk@middlesex.edu or 978-656-3301.

Review of Policy

Middlesex Community College recognizes that electronic publication technology is evolving rapidly and this Web Policy is expected to evolve along with it. The policy will be reviewed as needed.

Last Modified: 5/8/24