Dental Laboratory Technology

DLT 110- Introduction to DLT

  • Discuss the development and enactment of the Dental Laboratory Technology profession within the context of other allied dental health occupations.
  • Explain the ethical, legal and regulatory considerations of the practice of Dental Laboratory Technology.
  • Demonstrate correct techniques in the foundation skills of the dental laboratory technician.

DLT 120- Dental Anatomy and Occlusion

  • Recognize the shape and contour relationship of the normal dentition
  • Discuss the relationships between teeth and the investing and supporting structures
  • Produce anatomically correct models based on knowledge of the structure and function of the head, neck and oral cavity.

DLT 130- Removable Dental Prosthetics I

  • Fabricate appropriate removable prosthetic devices accurately.
  • Identify the various fabrication methods of removable dental prosthetics.
  • Create surgical templates for implant placement.

DLT 140- Fixed Dental Prosthetics I

  • Design fixed dental prosthetics including veneers, inlays, crowns and bridges and attachments.
  • Recognize variables that can affect materials used in fabrication of dental prosthetics.
  • Identify the various fabricating methods of fixed dental prosthetics.

DLT 210- Removable Dental Prosthetics II

  • Produce removable partial prosthetics as specified on the prescription.
  • Perform appropriate repair procedures on damaged removable partial prosthetics.
  • Recognize variables that can affect materials used in fabrication of removable partial prosthetics

DLT 220- Fixed Dental Prosthetics II

  • Produce single and multiunit fixed prosthetic devices as specified on the prescription.
  • Recognize variables that can affect materials used in fabrication of fixed dental prosthetics.
  • Select the appropriate fabricating method for specific fixed dental prosthetics.

DLT 230- Orthodontic Devices

  • Create orthodontic devices as specified on the prescription.
  • Recognize variables that can affect materials used in fabrication of orthodontic devices.
  • Perform appropriate repair procedures on damaged orthodontic devices.

DLT 240- DLT Specialty Practicum

  • Fabricate clinically acceptable work in regard to function and esthetics based on knowledge of mandibular movement and occlusal concepts.
  • Follow the specifications on written prescriptions provided for each case.
  • Participate in the planning process of the treatment plan through communication with the prescribing dentist.

Last Modified: 7/23/24