
ECO 120- Economics and Management in Technology Industries

  • Apply the economic principles of supply, demand, and market equilibrium to technology products and services through graphical expression
  • Identify major macroeconomic variables and explain how business cycles and economic growth influence these variables
  • Describe and analyze how governments attempt to correct market failures and influence the economy through regulation and fiscal and monetary policy
  • Identify and examine business, management, and trade practices in technology industries in both the U.S. and across regions and cultures around the world
  • Develop and deliver professional level business reports and presentations

ECO 140- Principles of Macroeconomics

  • Apply the economic principles of supply, demand, and market equilibrium through graphical expression.
  • Identify major macroeconomic variables and explain how business cycles and economic growth influence these variables.
  • Evaluate the role and functions of financial institutions and the Federal Reserve in the economy.
  • Distinguish between fiscal and monetary policy and evaluate appropriate options to achieve macroeconomic goals.
  • Examine international economic relationships and systems, including the respective role of governments.
  • Identify global socioeconomic and environmental challenges and evaluate public policy proposals to address them with an appreciation for regional and cultural differences

ECO 150- Principles of Microeconomics

  • Apply the economic principles of supply, demand, elasticity, and market equilibrium through graphical expression.
  • Explain the principles of comparative advantage and how they apply to trade.
  • Determine profit, loss or breakeven production levels for various market structures.
  • Analyze how consumer behavior is both influenced by and is responsible for market forces and societal outcomes.
  • Distinguish among private goods, public goods, and common resources, along with the appropriate roles for businesses, non-profit organizations, and governments.
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of market systems with respect to efficiency, equity, and externalities and how governments address market failures.

Last Modified: 7/23/24