Interdisciplinary Seminars

IDS 101- First-Year Experience

  • Engage with MCC resources and services to identify personal, academic, and career goals
  • Identify and discuss habits of mind, skills, and strategies for college success
  • Create a personalized academic plan to achieve educational and professional goals
  • Participate in collaborative learning, engagement activities, and make oral presentations
  • Demonstrate ability to use MCC email and demonstrate proficiency using Blackboard for coursework, communication, and college resources

IDS 102- General Education Seminar: Service Learning

  • Critically reflect on and make connections between community and societal issues and their community service work
  • Examine the elements of social responsibility and citizenship through participation in class discussions and reflection exercises
  • Employ professional and personal skills, such as interpersonal communication, networking, understanding of professional protocols and resume writing
  • Effectively discuss and present elements of their service work as it relates to community and societal issues

IDS 103- General Education Seminar: Leadership

  • Explain the Social Change Model of Leadership and other strength’s based approaches to leadership
  • Identify one’s talents and examine how to develop them into strengths and link them to the work of a Leader
  • Develop commitment to developing oneself into a confident, capable leader based on knowledge of self and others
  • Reflect on the challenge of working on a team and the use of skills related to effective leadership
  • Facilitate positive social change through creative thinking and problem solving in a community

IDS 104- General Education Seminar: Undergraduate Research

  • Use critical thinking, problem solving, and time management skills by designing and conducting Undergraduate Research projects with faculty guidance and peer support
  • Apply information retrieval and literacy skills in identifying and reviewing journal articles and research literature, and writing abstracts, annotated bibliographies, and reports as part of a team or independent researcher
  • Use written and oral communication skills by preparing and delivering periodic reports and presentations
  • Apply appropriate experimental design and research methods for the discipline and topic of study

IDS 105- General Education Seminar: Interdisciplinary Weekend

  • Integrate diverse perspectives and frameworks related to global topics drawing from literary, artistic, historical, political, economic, social, and environmental disciplines
  • Recognize and analyze connections between often seemingly dissimilar perspectives in fields of study through both written and oral work
  • Identify and analyze a social topic or issue and the effects on the civic and cultural spheres
  • Reflect on one’s own individual role in a culturally diverse world through discussions, oral presentations and written work (i.e. research papers, reflections, other)

IDS 106- Career Exploration

  • Create an initial academic plan by identifying personal, academic, and social strengths and challenges through web-based career survey tools.
  •  Develop critical thinking and research skills to increase career awareness and achieve a greater understanding of the world of work.
  • Research local and national career opportunities, including educational, certification requirements, and salary expectations.
  • Explore professional social media platforms to network with and learn more about their majors, internships, and other career possibilities.
  •  Use web-based survey tools that explore themselves, including values, priorities, personality, and interests.

IDS 107- Career Readiness for the Real World

  • Identify specific career opportunities that currently align with their stated individual preferences and workforce needs both now and at future points of their professional career.
  • Learn all components of a job or internship search including research, job search resources, writing effective cover letters and preparing for interviews.
  • Gain an understanding of NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers) competencies such that students can articulate their transferable skills to employers.

IDS 108- General Education Seminar: Wellness

  • Define wellness and identify at least 4 of the 8 components of wellness, and give examples that support each component
  • Describe the relationship between lifestyle choices and wellness , and recognize/differentiate that personal wellness is a journey and not a destination
  • Recognize and distinguish the interconnectedness of various components of wellness
  • Examine and assess their strengths/challenges related to various components of wellness
  • Practice new behaviors in order to improve personal wellness
  • Identify college and community resources for enhancing one’s wellness

IDS 109- General Education Seminar: Grappling with Wicked Problems

  • Explain the concept of “wicked problems” and give examples
  • Demonstrate the ability to present alternative strategies that represent different perspectives
  • Clearly articulate complex problems and possible solutions to diverse audiences
  • Explore any changes in personal perceptions and self-assess learning development
  • Demonstrate leadership, professionalism and collaboration skills in group activities

IDS 110- The Choices We Make

  • Set academic and personal goals.
  • Demonstrate that reaching a goal is often the result of a series of choices.
  • Identify and analyze choices that support and hinder reaching goals.
  • Express this understanding and information through journal writing and written storytelling.

IDS 116- General Education Seminar: Leadership in Action

  • Define leadership through a social justice lens.
  • Identify their role in the community as a change agent.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of mentoring and engage in the mentoring process as a mentee.
  • Professionally engage in on and off campus community events.

IDS 117- Entrepreneurial Thinking

  • Practice using an entrepreneurial mindset to solve problems.
  • Apply entrepreneurial principles to everyday life.
  • Demonstrate innovative thinking by recognizing opportunity and creating something new to achieve a desirable outcome.
  • Practice professional standards to communicate effectively.

IDS 118- Diversity Weekend Featuring the Dialogue Arts Project

  • Critique their social identities through small group discussion
  • Produce original works of art pertaining to their identities and perform them
  • Recognize the diverse backgrounds and voices of fellow members of the college community
  • Spearhead discussions about difficult subjects such as race, class, sexuality, and gender in subsequent classes
  • Recognize how writing can be a transformative activity
  • Create an eportfolio where students compile their original works and post their reflection papers

IDS 119- General Education: Diversity Summit

  • Recognize and demonstrate how preconceptions and limiting social structures impact personal identity and interactions with others
  • Examine and contrast the influences of identity development
  • Practice and express an empathy for each other by listening intently, using inclusive language in cross-cultural dialogue, and reflecting on each other's experiences
  • Recognize instances of bias incidents and identify ways to effectively confront such incidents
  • Design and implement an action plan that contributes to a more inclusive community

IDS 120- General Education Seminar: Money Matters: Personal Finance

  • Research and apply for various forms of financing for education such as financial aid, loans, scholarships, etc.
  • Prepare weekly, monthly, or annual budgets to track and manage income and expenses
  • Evaluate credit terms, conditions, and options for credit cards, auto loans and home mortgages
  • Plan for the management of debt, the development of credit, and the building of savings and investment for personal, family, or retirement needs
  • Assess insurance needs and options with respect to financial and other risks

IDS 121-General Education Seminar: Digital Literacy

  • Demonstrate ability to use email, Blackboard, MSWord, MSPowerPoint, and web browsers to increase their success as an MCC student and beyond
  • Self-assess and effectively apply digital literacy skills to projects and class assignments
  • Develop information literacy skills to identify the validity of online sources and determine their best implementation
  • Understand how to keep their personal information secure online

IDS 122- Early Childhood Field Placement I

  • Apply critical thinking to identify career possibilities that they may not have previously considered
  • Identify professional strengths and align educational endeavors toward licensure in the field of early childhood education
  • Critically reflect on and make connections among educational theory, philosophy, and practice
  • Effectively discuss and present elements of their field placement as they relate to community and societal issues faced by exceptional learners

IDS 123- Early Childhood Field Placement II

  • Apply critical thinking to identify career possibilities that they may not have previously considered
  • Identify professional strengths and align educational endeavors toward licensure in the field of early childhood education
  • Critically reflect on and make connections among educational theory, philosophy, and practice
  • Effectively discuss and present elements of their field placement as they relate to community and societal issues

IDS 130-Arts, Humanities, Communications Career Exploration

  • Explore personal and professional skills and strengths to generate career goals
  • Identify careers in the arts, humanities, and communications fields, both inside and outside of academia
  • Research careers opportunities, including educational requirements and salaries
  • Create a personal goal plan to identify steps to prepare for entry into a career in the arts, humanities, and communications fields
  • Develop professional writing skills

IDS 131-  Business Career Exploration

  • Explore personal and professional skills and strengths to define your personal brand.
  • Research academic and business career opportunities, including educational and salary requirements.
  • Analyze business career possibilities based on personal survey tool results.
  • Create a personal goal plan to identify steps to prepare for entry into a business career.

IDS 132-  Health Career Exploration

  • Determine personal and professional skills and strengths using web-based survey tools.
  • Identify health profession career possibilities that match with personal and professional skills and strengths.
  • Research local and national career opportunities, including educational and licensure requirements as well as salary expectations.
  • Create a personal goal plan to identify steps to prepare for entry into a health program.

IDS 133- Public Service Career Exploration

  • Determine their personal and professional skills and strengths using web-based survey tools.
  • Identify public service career possibilities that match with their personal and professional skills and strengths.
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of various careers within the public service field.
  • Explain the hiring process of various careers within the public service field in the local, state and federal levels.
  • Create a professional career goal plan.

IDS 134- Social Science Career Exploration

  • Learn about possible careers available within a social services field both locally and nationally.
  • Identify and assess one’s own interests, skills, and strengths through various personality and career self-assessments and those required for social services position.
  • Determine the educational path, expected workplace duties, salary expectations, and licensure required for a position in the social science field.
  • Create a personal goal plan.

IDS 135- STEM Career Exploration

  • Apply critical thinking skills to investigate various career possibilities.
  • Determine personal and professional skills and strengths using web-based survey tools.
  • Create a personal goal plan to identify steps to prepare for entry into a STEM career.

IDS 140- LGBTQ History in NYC Travel Seminar

  • Recognize the contributions of LGBTQ people (people who we would today label as LGBTQ) through civic engagement in all aspects of civic life
  • Evaluate the scope of LGBTQ history, economics and politics in New York City and its influence on both the freedom and limitations of artistic expression (including visual arts, music, literature, performing arts)
  • Analyze and evaluate the modern civil rights movement through the inclusion of LGBTQ activism and history.
  • Synthesize and interpret the impact of time and place on historical events, such as the Harlem Renaissance, Stonewall riots and the gay liberation movement.
  • Explore and describe the intersections of identity and their influence on social activism and the creative arts.
  • Adapt to and manage responsibility in a new environment

IDS 141- Veterans First Year Seminar

  • Create realistic academic and professional goals based on an understanding and awareness of learning preferences, and personal strengths, challenges and motivation
  • Develop and evaluate progress in social growth through participation in collaborative learning, engagement activities, and oral presentations
  • Use web-based survey tools that provide new information about their strengths
  • Identify and research local and national career opportunities, including educational and salary requirements
  • Examine and assess strengths/challenges related to various components of wellness
  • Identify college and community resources for enhancing wellness

IDS 151- Editing and Publishing: Dead River Review

  • Develop editorial and web design skills as part of the publication process.
  • Utilize and demonstrate the ability to correspond professionally with submitting artists.
  • Execute editorial and web design skills with the goal of the publication of the magazine.
  • Utilize and demonstrate the ability to judge works of writing and other art based on merit.
  • Attend and assist as necessary in the planning and execution of the end-of-semester release party.
  • Use judgment to determine if and how a piece of writing or other art submissions can be edited to meet the guidelines set up for the magazine and its mission.
  • Participate effectively in groups with an emphasis on listening as well as critical and reflective thinking.

IDS 152- Rehearsal and Perfomance

  • Develop artistic / technical skills as part of the rehearsal process.
  • Execute those skills in live performance.
  • Support the post-performance needs of this production.
  • Explore the individual artistic expression / craftsmanship in your assigned area of the production.
  • View situations holistically by carrying through production, project organization, time-lines and deadlines.
  • Utilize and demonstrate the ability to understand character through written analysis.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities in whichever role (actor, technician, etc.) the student takes on, in accordance with the needs of the production.
  • Analyze a script for it’s intellectual and aesthetic content.
  • Participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking and responding.
  • Develop personal values for ethical behavior.
  • Utilize and demonstrate the ability to understand character through written analysis.

IDS 153- Rehearsal and Perfomance

  • Develop artistic / technical skills as part of the rehearsal process.
  • Execute those skills in live performance.
  • Support the post-performance needs of this production.
  • Explore the individual artistic expression / craftsmanship in your assigned area of the production.
  • View situations holistically by carrying through production, project organization, time-lines and deadlines.
  • Utilize and demonstrate the ability to understand character through written analysis.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities in whichever role (actor, technician, etc.) the student takes on, in accordance with the needs of the production.
  • Analyze a script for it’s intellectual and aesthetic content.
  • Participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking and responding.
  • Develop personal values for ethical behavior.
  • Utilize and demonstrate the ability to understand character through written analysis.

IDS 154- Rehearsal and Perfomance

  • Develop artistic / technical skills as part of the rehearsal process.
  • Execute those skills in live performance.
  • Support the post-performance needs of this production.
  • Explore the individual artistic expression / craftsmanship in your assigned area of the production.
  • View situations holistically by carrying through production, project organization, time-lines and deadlines.
  • Utilize and demonstrate the ability to understand character through written analysis.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities in whichever role (actor, technician, etc.) the student takes on, in accordance with the needs of the production.
  • Analyze a script for it’s intellectual and aesthetic content.
  • Participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking and responding.
  • Develop personal values for ethical behavior.
  • Utilize and demonstrate the ability to understand character through written analysis.

IDS 155- Rehearsal and Perfomance

  • Develop artistic / technical skills as part of the rehearsal process.
  • Execute those skills in live performance.
  • Support the post-performance needs of this production.
  • Explore the individual artistic expression / craftsmanship in your assigned area of the production.
  • View situations holistically by carrying through production, project organization, time-lines and deadlines.
  • Utilize and demonstrate the ability to understand character through written analysis.
  • Identify challenges and opportunities in whichever role (actor, technician, etc.) the student takes on, in accordance with the needs of the production.
  • Analyze a script for it’s intellectual and aesthetic content.
  • Participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking and responding.
  • Develop personal values for ethical behavior.
  • Utilize and demonstrate the ability to understand character through written analysis.

IDS 216- General Education Seminar: Leadership in Action

  • Define leadership through a social justice lens
  • Identify their role in the community as a change agent
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of mentoring and engage in the mentoring process as a mentee
  • Professionally engage in on and off campus community events


Last Modified: 7/23/24