Medical Laboratory Technology

MLT 105- Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Science

  • Identify the different clinical laboratory settings and roles in a health care organization.
  • Differentiate between certification, accreditation, licensure, and the regulatory organizations critical to the clinical laboratory.
  • Discuss pre-analytic (pre-examination), analytic (examination), and post-analytic (post-examination) variables encountered in each department of the clinical laboratory.
  • Describe basic and contemporary techniques utilized in a clinical laboratory testing.

MLT 106- Basic Clinical Laboratory Theory and Techniques

  • Identify the basic diagnostic techniques and procedures performed in a clinical laboratory.
  • Differentiate between manual and automated methods of laboratory testing.
  • Apply essential skills to procedures commonly performed in a clinical laboratory.
  • Evaluate quality control parameters.
  • Distinguish between normal and abnormal laboratory results

MLT 151- Urinalysis and Body Fluids

  • Compare and contrast the anatomy of the renal system with its function and composition in health and disease.
  • Compare and contrast the composition, formation, and function of body fluids in health and disease.
  • Demonstrate principles of safety and quality assurance when performing urinalysis and body fluid analysis.
  • Correlate urinalysis and body fluid results with possible patient conditions.

MLT 152- Urinalysis Practicum

  • Demonstrate proper procedures for the collection, safe handling, and analysis of biological specimens.
  • Conduct accurate urinalysis testing utilizing instrumentation and/or microscopy when required.
  • Comply with established laboratory safety regulations.
  • Demonstrate professionalism and effective communication skills with patients and members of the healthcare team.

MLT 153- Immunology and Serology

  • Describe the components of the immune system.
  • Differentiate between cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immunity.
  • Identify the structure, function, and characteristics of immunoglobulins.
  • Explain basic immunoassay principles and immunologic techniques used in the serology laboratory.

MLT 154- Introduction to Molecular Diagnostics

  • Define terms related to molecular diagnostics.
  • Identify appropriate specimen collection and processing requirements for molecular diagnostic testing.
  • List the various molecular methodologies utilized in the clinical laboratory setting.
  • Discuss the clinical applications of molecular diagnostics.

MLT 201- Hematology Theory and Lab

  • Describe the components of human blood characteristics including functions and abnormalities.
  • Explain the origin of blood cells through the process of erythropoiesis and leukopoiesis as it relates to health and disease.
  • Discuss the coagulation process and its role in maintaining hemostasis.
  • Perform current hematological procedures used to diagnose, monitor and evaluate disorders, within stated limits of accuracy.
  • Explain the basic principles of hematology instrumentation and the quality assurance and quality control measures used in evaluation.

MLT 202- Clinical Chemistry Theory and Lab

  • Describe the fundamental concepts critical to analytic procedures in clinical chemistry.
  • Perform selected analytic procedures correctly, yielding accurate and precise results.
  • Distinguish between normal and abnormal clinical chemistry results.
  • Demonstrate mastery of basic skills including centrifugation, pipetting, and performance of accurate dilutions.

MLT 203- Medical Microbiology Theory and Lab

  • Differentiate between the different microbial diseases, including the properties and mechanisms of pathogenicity.
  • Compare and contrast the various treatments for microbial infections.
  • Perform microbiological laboratory procedures according to appropriate safety standards.
  • Choose the proper media for and correctly process bacteriologic specimens.
  • Identify unknown organisms using techniques presented in laboratory exercises.

MLT 205- Clinical Chemistry Practicum

  • Demonstrate proper procedures for the collection, safe handling, and analysis of biological specimens.
  • Perform accurate chemistry testing utilizing automated instrumentation.
  • Evaluate quality control data according to laboratory protocol.
  • Comply with established laboratory safety regulations.
  • Demonstrate professionalism and effective communication skills with patients and members of the healthcare team.

MLT 251- Immunohematology Theory and Lab

  • Discuss the red blood cell immunology involved in ABO, Rh, and other blood group systems.
  • Demonstrate the procedures involved in ABO/Rh blood typing, antibody detection and identification.
  • Identify the measures necessary for safe patient transfusion using compatibility testing and appropriate component preparation.
  • Describe the principles involved in the blood donor selection and collection process.

MLT 252- Hematology Practicum

  • Demonstrate proper procedures for the collection, safe-handling, and analysis of biological specimens.
  • Perform accurate hematology testing utilizing manual methodologies and automated instrumentation.
  • Evaluate quality control data according to laboratory protocol.
  • Conduct accurate urinalysis testing utilizing instrumentation and/or microscopy when required.
  • Comply with established laboratory safety regulations.
  • Demonstrate professionalism and effective communication skills with patients and members of the healthcare team.

MLT 253- Medical Microbiology Practicum

  • Demonstrate proper procedures for the collection, safe-handling, and analysis of biological specimens.
  • Perform microbiological testing utilizing manual methodologies and automated instrumentation to properly identify pathogens and their antibiotic susceptibility in a variety of biological specimens.
  • Comply with established laboratory safety regulations.
  • Demonstrate professionalism and effective communication skills with patients and members of the healthcare team.

MLT 254- MLT Seminar

  • Integrate the laboratory results from various clinical disciplines to present an in-depth case study as a capstone project.
  • Apply knowledge and critical thinking skills attained through previous clinical laboratory courses to correctly answer mock ASCP BOC examination questions.
  • Identify areas needing further development in preparation for the Medical Laboratory Technician ASCP BOC Examination.

MLT 255- Immunohematology Practicum

  • Conduct accurate immunohematology testing utilizing manual methodologies and automated instrumentation.
  • Evaluate immunohematology quality control data according to laboratory protocol.
  • Comply with established laboratory safety regulations.
  • Demonstrate professionalism and effective communication skills with patients and members of the healthcare team.


Last Modified: 7/23/24