
SOC 101- Introduction to Sociology

  • Discuss basic sociological concepts and topics such as: sociological imagination; sociological theory; culture; socialization; deviance; social institutions; social stratification; global inequalities; gender; race; ethnicity; social movements; and social change
  • Evaluate research methods, designs and research ethics in the social sciences.
  • Apply sociological concepts to real world examples and situations of social responsibility

SOC 106- Food and Sustainability

  • Identify the major social and environmental consequences of our current food system, including the differential effects on various social groups and communities
  • Use social science methods to explore primary, research-based literature concerning food, science, nature, and society
  • Examine the basis of major social and agricultural policies (such as the Farm Bill) and how they structure our current food system
  • Identify and evaluate current organizations working for food sustainability and food justice
  • Generate ideas for personal and social actions that would improve the functioning of food systems and identify possible implications of each course of action

SOC 116- Sports, Wellness, and Society

  • Explain the relevance of history and culture for analyses of participation in contemporary sports, fitness, and wellness activities.
  • Explore sociological theories of sport from fitness and wellness perspectives
  • Develop skills to critically analyze sport and physical activity within diverse social, cultural and political contexts
  • Establish connections to occupational pathways and certification exams

SOC 118- Multicultural Communications

  • Define terms that are essential for discussing diversity issues and make distinctions between terms such as bias, prejudice, bigotry, and diversity.
  • Define values promoted by a particular culture that will shape the beliefs and actions of living within that culture.
  • Demonstrate how assigning meaning to words and non-verbal communication leads to conflict.
  • Analyze the communication model and demonstrate how it improves communication.
  • Examine issues that lead to conflict, i.e., culture, gender, and moral reasoning.
  • Recognize the difference between assimilation and diverse pathways.
  • Recognize race oppression.

SOC 120- The UK-Ireland Experience

  • summarize the history, social structures, and institutions of the UK and Ireland
  • analyze the political struggle of the UK and Ireland through their revolutions, reactions and independence movements
  • describe the UK and Ireland's cultural and economic development and evaluate its impact in comparison to other contemporary countries
  • examine and compare the UK and Ireland's cultural preservation strategies with those of other countries
  • analyze cultural and social change in the UK and Ireland, paying particular attention to the contemporary through discussion and experiential service learning
  • write reflective analysis for e-portfolios that employ print and visual sources to explore and identify the social consequences of the UK and Ireland's commitment to cultural and literary preservation and its place on the global stage

SOC 121- The China Experience

  • summarize the history, social structures, and institutions of China
  • analyze the political struggle of China through their revolutions, reactions and political movements
  • describe China's cultural and economic development and evaluate its impact in comparison to other contemporary countries
  • examine and compare China's cultural preservation strategies with those of other countries
  • analyze cultural and social change in China, paying particular attention to the contemporary through discussion and experiential service learning
  • write reflective analysis for e-portfolios that employ print and visual sources to explore and identify the social consequences of China's commitment to cultural and literary preservation and its place on the global stage

SOC 123- The Russian Experience

  • Summarize the history and social structures and institutions of Russia
  • Analyze the political struggle of Russia and Eastern Europe through revolutions, reactions and current political realities
  • Describe Russia's economic and cultural development and evaluate its development in comparison to other contemporary Eastern European countries
  • Examine and compare Russia's environmental and cultural preservation strategies with those of other countries through discussion and experiential service learning
  • Analyze cultural and social change in Russia, paying particular attention to the contemporary
  • Write reflective analysis for e-portfolios that employ print and visual sources to explore and identify the social consequences of Russia's commitment to cultural preservation and environmental sustainability and its emergence into the global economy

SOC 126- Cambodia Experience

  • Summarize the history and social structures and institutions of Cambodia
  • Analyze the political struggle of Cambodia and SE Asia through revolutions, reactions and political realities
  • Describe Cambodia's economic and cultural development and evaluate its development in comparison to other contemporary Asian countries
  • Examine and compare Cambodia's environmental and cultural preservation strategies with those of other countries through discussion and experiential service learning
  • Analyze cultural and social change in Cambodia, paying particular attention to the contemporary
  • Write reflective analysis for e-portfolios that employ print and visual sources to explore and identify the social consequences of Cambodia's commitment to cultural preservation and environmental sustainability and its emergence into the global economy

SOC 129- Costa Rica Experience

  • Summarize the history and social structures and institutions of Costa Rica
  • Analyze the political struggles of Costa Rica
  • Describe Costa Rica's eonomic and cultural development and evaluate its development in comparison to other contemporary Latin American countries
  • Examine and compare Costa Rica's environmental and cultural preservation strategies with those of other countries through discussion and experiential service learning
  • Analyze cultural and social change in Costa Rica, paying particular attention to the contemporary
  • Write reflective analysis for e-portfolios that employ print and visual sources to explore and identify the social consequences of Costa Rica's commitment to cultural preservation and environmental sustainability and its emergence into the global economy

SOC 130- The Morocco Experience

  • Describe Morocco's cultural, social, and economic development.
  • Examine Morocco's business practices and the role of entrepreneurship from both traditional and contemporary perspectives.
  • Summarize the historical and political struggles of Morocco through conquests, revolutions, and independence movements up to the present.
  • Identify and analyze Morocco's social, political, and environmental challenges in the context of its history, culture, economy and geography.
  • Use basic language elements and expressions in either French or Arabic to get around and understand cultural references while in Morocco.

SOC 133- The Greek Experience

  • Summarize the history, social structures, and institutions of Greece within the context of Western society
  • Analyze the political struggle of Greece through revolutions, reactions and independence movements
  • Describe Greece’s cultural and economic development and evaluate its impact in comparison to other contemporary countries
  • Examine and compare Greece’s cultural preservation strategies with those of other countrie
  • Analyze cultural and social change in Greece, paying particular attention to the contemporary through discussion and experiential service learning
  • Write reflective analysis for e-portfolios that employ print and visual sources to explore and identify the social consequences of Greece’s commitment to cultural and literary preservation and its place on the global stage
SOC 134: The Portugal Experience
  • Summarize the history, social structures, and institutions of Portugal within the context of European civilization
  • Examine the expansion of the Arab empire into the Iberian Peninsula and its influence in the process of Portuguese nation building
  • Analyze why the people of the Iberian Peninsula (Portuguese and Spanish) were the first Europeans in exploring the Atlantic Ocean and building the Portuguese empire in Africa, Asia and the Americas
  • Analyze the political and social struggles of the Portuguese through conservative dynastic monarchies and republics
  • Describe Portugal’s cultural and economic development in the 20th century
  • Analyze cultural and social change in Portugal within the framework of the European Union
  • Write reflective analysis for e-portfolios that employ print and visual sources to explore and identify life in modern day 21st century Portugal.

SOC 143- Race, Class, and Gender: Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar 

  • Communicate the significance and interrelated nature of the various dimensions of social inequality (race, class, gender, ethnicity, class, disability, sexuality, religion, etc), how these categories are maintained or transformed, and how these categories impact social conceptions of justice.
  • Critically analyze and evaluate how social inequalities exist in social institutions, individual experiences, and among communities.
  • Relate individual-level experiences and characteristics to historical patterns and institutional-level social processes.
  • Apply the insights of this course to issues that affect communities internally, at the local, regional, national, or global level. Evaluate the nature of these issues and create solutions to further advance social justice for those constituents.

SOC 150- Sociology of the Family

  • Articulate the different definitions of “family”
  • Discuss the social influences and personal choice that affect family units
  • Explain the challenges in managing work and family responsibility

SOC 154- Criminology

  • Define criminology and the role of criminologists
  • Identify, summarize, and evaluate biological, psychological, and sociological theories of criminal behavior
  • Define victimology, and identify how criminologists view the victim's role in criminal activity and crime prevention
  • Identify sources of criminological data utilized in interpreting crime trends
  • Use criminal justice research methods to apply criminological theory to quantitative data
  • Identify and appraise the different methods of preventing crime and advancing social policy

SOC 156- Society And Victims Of Crime

  • Explain the historical development of victimology and the victim’s movement.
  • Analyze and explain the impact of crime on the criminal justice system, society, and victims.
  • Discuss the importance of class, race, age and gender – in understanding crime victims, victimization, and response from the criminal justice system and society.
  • Recognize and describe various aspects of the treatment of special victim groups: children; intimate partner violence; and victims of sexual assault.
  • Analyze and evaluate the various political and policy responses to crime victims and victimization and assess the role of the criminal justice system and community agencies in response to victimization.
SOC 290- World Cultures: Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar 
  • Examine societies and cultures from a cross-cultural analytical perspective.
  • Appraise the social construction of knowledge and culture.
  • Analyze sources from global literary, historical, religious and philosophical frameworks.
  • Examine relationships between cultural chauvinism, ethnocentrism and racism.
  • Develop the ability to engage in class discussions with evidence to support arguments.
  • Write an honors-level research paper with academic sources and present at the annual Honors Research Conference.

SOC 293- Wealth, Poverty, and Capitalism: Honors Seminar

  • Examine capitalism within a social, cultural, economic and political context.
  • Analyze the role of wealth and power and their influence on democracy.
  • Appraise the development of economic inequality and its implications.
  • Assess and create models for alternative social, political and economic paradigms for the future development of society.
  • Write an honors-level research paper with academic sources and present at the annual Honors Research Conference.

SOC 294- Globalization: Honors Seminar

  • Analyze the implications and complexities of globalization.
  • Make connections between course topics and explain these connections through concrete examples.
  • Examine what contributes to domestic and global injustices and articulate strategies to participate in efforts and movements of civic engagement.
  • Write an honors-level research paper with academic sources and present at the annual Honors Research Conference

SOC 299- Post Colonial and Diaspora Studies: Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar 

  • Critically examine interconnections and functions of postcolonial literature and its contexts, including comparative and interdisciplinary issues.
  • Develop a clear understanding of the relations and interdependence between different kinds of racialization, indigenous cultural politics, colonial dynamics, and/or diasporic formations.
  • Develop an understanding of intersectional and critical approaches to the study of social power
  • Develop an understanding of and appreciation for the cultural expression, worldviews, or political movements of racial, ethnic, or indigenous groups or communities
  • Practice the use of interdisciplinary methods, and conduct original research
  • Develop an awareness of methodological rigor, and develop strong skills in research and writing.


Last Modified: 9/6/24