Public Health Informatics & Technology

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Photo of charts and graphs
Photo of person using a laptop

The field of Public Health Informatics and Technology (PHIT) is focused on the business of collecting, storing, managing, analyzing, using and sharing public health data in order to more efficiently and effectively impact population health.

Students who complete the three new PHIT courses will be eligible for a micro-credential from MCC and may be eligible for employment in an entry level PHIT position.

The PHIT Associate Degree in Science meets MassTransfer requirements and also qualifies for a direct transfer agreement with UMass Lowell into the Public Health Bachelor of Science degree.

What is PHIT?

Public Health Informatics and Technology (PHIT) is a developing field that brings advances in data science to work towards improving public health for all.

PHIT professionals, sometimes called informaticists, can use health information data to help prevent disease, help diagnose health conditions, and promote health for an entire population of people rather than one person at a time. PHIT is essential to improving community and population health outcomes. PHIT professionals can help improve population-level decision-making by improving the quality and quantity of health data available to public officials. For example, electronic reporting of conditions improves the accuracy and timeliness of data needed to identify and track disease trends. Electronic health records (EHRs), health information exchanges (HIEs), community information exchanges (CIEs), and other public health information systems are sources of information that can provide important health data about specific populations and can be vital in addressing many types of public health concerns.

Career Prospects

Career prospects in PHIT are excellent and varied. This interdisciplinary field is developing and expanding before our eyes. Some examples of places that employ PHIT professionals are:
  • The CDC
  • Hospitals
  • Community Health Centers
  • Patient Advocacy Groups
  • Government Agencies
  • Public Health Departments
  • Insurance Companies
  • Health IT Companies
  • Research Centers
an increasing number of public health informaticists are needed to manage and link up population health data.

Register for PHIT Courses here:

For more information please contact:
Kori Boeckeler, PHIT Program Coordinator

This project is supported by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number 90PH0001/01-00, title “ Enhancing the Public Health IT Workforce in the Merrimack Valley,” total award amount of $3,319,974. This information or content and conclusion are those of the author and should be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsement be inferred by ONC, HSS, or the U.S. Government.

Last Modified: 6/28/24