Special Orientation Plus Courses for New Students

Orientation Plus Logo
Because we know you are each unique and are bringing your authentic self to campus in the fall, we have created a variety of in-person FYE sessions that will help make your transition to MCC easier.

These 1-credit college courses are designed to meet the needs of specific student populations. If you are interested in joining one of the classes listed below, send a message to the email address associated with each session or contact your academic advisor.

  • Students with Accessibility Needs — If you have a documented disability or have begun the accommodation process with the Student Access and Support Services office, this session was designed to support you. Qualifying disabilities include, but are not limited to: learning, psychological, neurological, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and medical, mobility, vision, or hearing disabilities. Contact StudentAccess@middlesex.edu to learn more. 

  • LGBTQ+ Students — If you self-identify as a LGBTQ+ student this class was designed for you to build connections with representative faculty, staff, and students within the LGBQTIA+ community. Contact IMoffice@middlesex.edu to learn more.

  • Students of Color — If you self-identify as Black/African American or LatinX, our SUCCESS Scholars class is designed to help you explore your identity and build connections with MCC’s BIPOC community. Contact IMoffice@middlesex.edu to learn more.

  • Asian American students — If you self-identify as an Asian American domestic student this session offered by our Program for Asian American Student Advancement this class was created just for you. Contact PAASA@middlesex.edu to learn more.

  • First-Generation to College and TRIO supported students —If you are the first in your family to go to college or if you participated in TRIO in high school, this class may be perfect for you. Contact StudentSuccess@middlesex.edu to learn more.

If you have already registered for a session and would like to switch to one of the options above, please send a message to the email address associated with each session.

Still have questions about these special Orientation Plus Courses for New Students? Email the Office of Student Engagement and someone will contact you.

Fall 2024  -  IDS Affinity Group Sections
CRN Section Dates Affinity
18758 Q51 MT,      8/12-8/13 Black/ African American and LatinX
18271 Q57 TTh,     8/13-8/29 SASS Support
18759 Q54 WTh,   8/14-8/15 LGBTQIA+
17837 Q32 Th,       8/15-8/29 Veterans and Adult Learners
18762 Q58 MT,      8/19-8/20 Black/ African American and LatinX
17834 Q60 WTh,   8/21-8/22 Asian American PAASA
18215 A36 M,        9/9 - 9/23 Adult Learners who have been out of school
18858 A50 F,          9/6-9/20 TRIO - First Generation
19294 A90 F,         9/6-10/18 RISE Students
19276 Q63 WTh,    8/28-8/29 International - F1 Visa Students
Last Modified: 9/24/24