My Success Tools

My Success ToolsMy Explorer

The my Explorer app will allow you to begin your academic journey here at MCC by finding out your academic interests and goals!
  1. MY MAJOR –  Take the Major Explorer to find academic programs and careers that fit your interests and goals.
  2. TO-DOs  – Check your To-Dos and Events daily to keep track of important tasks each semester.
  3. RESOURCES – View MCC campus resources at your fingertips.
  4. CLASS – SCHEDULE View your class schedule after you’ve registered for your classes.
My Planner

The my Planner app will allow you to build your academic plan from your first semester to your last semester, create your schedule and register for classes!
  1. MY ACADEMIC PLAN – Use the academic plan as a template to schedule future classes and complete your degree on time!
  2. YOUR FIRST TO LAST SEMESTER – Build your academic plan on your own or with your advisor. Add multiple fall, spring and summer semesters.
  3. MY SCHEDULE – Select course days and times to complete your schedule for the semester.
  4. REGISTRATION PORTAL – Register for your classes!
Last Modified: 3/26/24