World Language Institute

Middlesex Community College's World Language Institute emphasizes student-centered learning, meeting students at their interest levels while recognizing their diverse backgrounds and learning preferences.

The World Language Institute offers a range of world language classes in either an in-person, on-campus teaching mode, or online both using creative, interactive methods. There is some flexibility in recognizing student self-pacing, enrollment options, and freedom to progress. The in-person, on-campus classes include these world languages: Chinese, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Latin, Portuguese, and Russian. The online classes include these world languages: Arabic, French, Greek, Hebrew, and Spanish.


  • Accelerate the learning: Complete a course early, or complete two courses in a semester.
  • Take additional time to learn: Take more than a semester to finish a course.
  • Small class sizes
  • Individualized learning support
  • Learn a language in the safety of your home remotely by accessing our online courses

Special Features serve students with:

  • Self-motivation
  • Need for additional time to study topics

World Language Institute Learning Model offers:

  • Mini lessons and Workshops
  • Individual conferencing between students and instructors
  • Student partners in learning and projects
  • World language conversation practice (The technology our world language faculty use enable them and you to listen, speak, read, write, and interact in the language you are learning.)

For more information, please feel free to contact our Coordinator, Salah Dahany, 978-322-8491 or Feel free to talk with us about certain alternative world languages to explore the possibility of studying with a professor in an independent study online.

Last Modified: 5/20/24