Diversity Awareness & Education Opportunities

Providing workshops, web-based learning and consultation are part of the Diversity and Equity Affairs role in helping to strengthen the understanding and sensitivity of all employees and students to the importance of their respective roles in fostering a workplace and learning environment free of discrimination, harassment and retaliation.


Preventing Sexual Harassment training is offered by the college's Title IX Coordinator.

The "Preventing Discrimination and Harassment on Campus" workshop is an informative session about preventing and addressing discrimination and harassment on campus. Whether you are an administrator, complainant, respondent or witness, practical guidance will be provided as to what is your role, responsibilities, and rights under state and federal anti-discrimination laws and the College’s affirmative action policy and procedures. These sessions are led by the Massachusetts Community Colleges Counsel’s Office and the MCC Affirmative Action Officer. Information about workshops will be posted on Newscaster or may arranged by contacting Reginald Nichols.

Search Committee Training

Search Committee training, level one, is designed to familiarize individuals planning to serve on a search committee. This training addresses the college hiring policy, best practices for conducting a search, strategies for minimizing cognitive errors and unintended biases in the review process in order to identify the best talent for the college.  Please contact Reginald Nichols to check on session availability.

For More Information


Reginald Nichols, Affirmative Action Officer/Assistant Director of HR Talent & Compliance/ADA/504/Deputy Title IX Coor., Middlesex Community College, Cataldo Building, Rm 213, 591 Springs Road, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730 Tel: 781-280-3536 Fax: 781-280-3515 Email: nicholsr@middlesex.mass.edu

Last Modified: 9/23/22