Acad. Freedom, Faculty/Staff Assoc., Union Agreements

Academic Freedom and Responsibilities

Statements regarding academic freedom and academic responsibilities developed by the American Association of University Professors in cooperation with the Association of American Colleges are included in the union agreements. Faculty are encouraged to read these statements on Academic Freedom, Article VII, carefully.

The MCC Academic Catalog's statement on adherence to the academic code (addressed to students) clearly states the expectation that Middlesex Community College students are held to ethical standards and emphasizes the seriousness of cheating and plagiarism. The Student Handbook specifies in detail student grievance procedures and college-wide policies. The Student Handbook and the Academic Catalog are available in the Student Information Center at each campus.

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Faculty/Staff Association (FSA)

The MCC Faculty and Staff Association was established in 1972. The revised constitution and by-laws of 1995 declare all full- and part-time faculty, professional staff, and administrators of the College as members with full voting privileges.

The organization meets several times a year, usually on the second Thursday of the month. Meetings are held alternately at the Bedford and Lowell campuses. Functions of the association are to make policy recommendations to the president, to establish and maintain high academic and professional standards, and to identify and advance the role of the College in the community. Officers are elected annually. Standing and ad hoc committees, which report on a regular basis to the body, carry out the main business of the FSA. Copies of the by-laws are available from the FSA office on the Bedford Campus, TH-Bldg. 4 or on the MCC Portal. Messages can be left at 978-280-3576.

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Union Agreements

Most of the conditions under which faculty are employed are described in the collective bargaining agreements. The Massachusetts Community College Council (MCCC) represents the faculty and professional staff at all of the 15 public community colleges in Massachusetts. There are two bargaining units certified by the state labor relations commission. One unit consists of full-time faculty as well as full-time and part-time professional staff. The other unit consists of adjunct faculty.

The MCCC is an affiliate of the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA), which in turn is an affiliate of the National Education Association (NEA). The MCCC negotiates to develop contracts that cover the 15 community colleges of Massachusetts. These agreements stipulate most factors related to faculty duties, teaching assignments, evaluation, promotion, tenure, rank change, salaries, benefits, and grievance procedures. Union members receive a copy of the agreement from their union representatives. Any question related to the collective bargaining agreement should be directed to the building representative, union officer, or appropriate college administrator at the discretion of the employee.

The Middlesex Community College Professional Association (MCCPA) is the local chapter of the Massachusetts Community College Council (MCCC). The chapter has approximately one meeting per month during the fall and spring. Members are encouraged to communicate with any member of the executive committee at any time. The chapter publishes the MCCPA Update, a monthly newsletter, to communicate with members. The MCCPA also has an elected representative to address union issues and questions for adjunct faculty. Voice mail messages can be left at the MCCPA office, 781-280-3555. If as an adjunct, you have questions about the union dues, you are encouraged to call the office of the Massachusetts Community College Council (MCCC) toll free at 877-442-MCCC (6222). You can also visit the MCCC web site.

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Faculty Duties

Full-time faculty prepare and teach classes, maintain office hours, advise students, and participate in activities such as student orientation on opening day, registration, division and department meetings, workshops, and college service activities, as described in Article XII of their collective bargaining agreement.

Adjunct faculty prepare and teach classes, evaluate student progress, and meet with students upon request. Adjunct faculty who teach day classes are allocated desk space in a faculty office and may use that location for meetings with students. In Bedford, there are several shared adjunct faculty offices in HH-Bldg. 3, NA-Bldg. 6, and SA-Bldg.7. For more information in this regard, please call Nancy Sullivan at 781-280-3566. The Lowell shared office space is assigned in the Cowan Center by Dyan Darcey at 978-656-3109; in the Talbot Building by Nancy LaCroix at 978-656-3095; and in the Derby Building by Kathy Pileeki at 978-656-3280. Instructors in evening or weekend courses usually meet with students in their classrooms. The collective bargaining agreements describe instructors’ rights and responsibilities in detail. Please check with your dean about the location of office space. All faculty are strongly encouraged to fill out a Faculty Locator as soon as possible (Type Faculty Locator in "Look for my Form”).

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Human Resources

Personnel Issues

If you have any employment-related questions or concerns, please call the Human Resources Office at 978-280-3527. If you have specific questions regarding affirmative action, please call McDonald Furlonge at the Lowell Campus at 978-656-3108. If you have questions regarding sexual harassment, please call McDonald Furlonge or Carolyn Young at 781-280-3536. Questions concerning your part-time teaching contract should be directed to Andrea Saunders in Human Resources at 781-280-3532. Questions concerning your paycheck should be directed to Payroll at 781-280-3507. (For more detailed information go to Human Resources or see Appendix C).


Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The college has contracted with EAP Systems to provide confidential counseling and information on a variety of life issues, including discounts on legal and accounting services. This service is available at no cost to all MCC employees, full or part-time, and their family/household members. 

Tuition Remission Waiver

All employees are eligible for tuition waivers after an initial waiting period (one semester for faculty; six months for professional staff). Adjunct faculty and part-time employees are eligible to take up to two courses per semester at MCC without payment of the tuition portion of course costs for credit courses. Fees, which generally represent one-half the cost of a course, and the cost of books, must be paid by the employee. Work related courses at MCC may be available without payment of tuition and fees; please refer to the policy on the Human Resources page. Benefits vary for non-credit courses or programs.

Full-time and/or faculty and staff with benefits are eligible for additional benefits both at MCC and within the Massachusetts State and Community Colleges and the University of Massachusetts, for themselves and their spouse and dependent children, consistent with the current applicable collective bargaining agreement and the System-Wide Tuition Remission Policy for Higher Education Employees from the Board of Higher Education.

For more information or Tuition Remission forms, contact the Human Resources Office at 781-280-3527. Faculty will need to provide a social security number as well as that of the enrolling student or if you are an employee with benefits, your spouse or dependent child.

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Last Modified: 10/3/24