Office of Student Engagement
Student Activities
Bylaws of the Middlesex Community College Student Gover
Passed into law 1991. Amended April, 2007, September 2009, April 2015, October 2017, April 2018, September 2018, September 2020- Articles
- Preamble; Article 1; Article 2
- Article 3
- Article 4; Article 5; Article 6; Article 7
- Standing Rules of the MCC Student Government Association
- Student Government Association Special Rules of Order
- SGA Contingency Allocation Review
- SGA Review Process
- Campaigning Instructions
- Order of Business
- Meeting Guidelines
- Club of the Year Selection
Article 2 - Membership
Article 3 - Meetings
Article 4 - Executive Board
Article 5 - Committees
Article 6 - Parliamentary Authority
Article 7 - Amendments
Preamble; Article 1; Article 2
The purpose of the Student Government Association (SGA) is to serve as the student voice for all students at Middlesex Community College, communicating their needs to administration and representing their interests on campus-wide policy and defending student rights when necessary. In collaboration with the Office of Student Engagement, SGA also manages a portion of the student services fee and sponsors and supports efforts that offer opportunities for student development. As ambassadors for the Middlesex, SGA represents the College and their peers at various functions and strives to be a united symbol of responsibility and good citizenship.
Article 1: Name
The name of the representative body for all MCC students is the Student Government Association.
Article 2: Membership
The Student Government Association shall consist of 15 Officers with equal voting, discussion, and debating rights on all issues brought before the board. Additionally, unlimited seats are available for General Assembly Members who may not vote and have limited responsibilities and opportunities for participation.
Section 1. Qualificaitons
All Officers and General Assembly Members shall be Middlesex Community College students, currently enrolled in at least one three-credit course, who achieve and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00. This GPA requirement is waived for first semester MCC students. General Assembly Members and Officers must be free of college-wide disciplinary or higher-level disciplinary sanctions.
All Officers must demonstrate the ability to:
- Comprehend the constitution in its entirety
- Articulate the mission statement and goals
- Commit to actively participate in SGA activities
No member of the SGA may hold more than one elected or appointed office concurrently within college governance. The 15 Officers may not hold a leadership position in another club or organization at Middlesex Community College.
A student seeking nomination for election to the Student Government Association must complete the official nomination application.
Upon the availability of seats, elections for membership to the Student Government Association shall be held annually during the month of September. Elections will take place at the Bedford and Lowell Campuses. Winners will be determined by majority vote of the student body. Only candidates who lose the election within a five percent vote count are eligible to request a recount.
When elections occur via paper ballot or virtually on the Engage platform, students may only vote on the campus at which they attend the majority of their classes. Students enrolled equally at both campuses must choose one campus on which to vote.
An election will only be held when the number of nominees exceeds the number of vacancies. Should there be an equal amount or more seats than candidates open, every qualified candidate will become an Officer for that term and no election will be held.
Section 3. Term of Office
The term of membership is limited to no more than four consecutive semesters (fall/spring)
within two consecutive academic years. SGA members are eligible to seek re-election
at any time following the completion of their elected term as long as they qualify.
Section 4. Filling Vacancies
Should an Officer seat become vacant during the academic year, the vacancy shall be
first optioned to qualified Members interested in the seat and then by a majority
vote of the Officers present and voting. If there are still vacancies, and the vacancies
occur prior to the midpoint of the current semester, they shall be posted on both
campuses for two weeks prior to the deadline for nomination. Interested students must
complete the nomination process and meet qualifications as outlined above.
Section 5. Probation and Removal from SGA
Removal will occur as a result of the inability of an SGA member to maintain the minimum
2.00 cumulative grade point average (GPA) or inability to maintain a clear disciplinary
Either President or Vice Presents may call for a membership review. Reasons may include, but are not limited to failure to adhere to SGA policies, procedures, rules or regulations, not representing the best interest of SGA and the student body, or not meeting the qualifications as outlined in Section 1. Probation or removal will be determined by a majority of the voting membership. Probation may include, but is not limited to, loss of SGA privileges such as voting privileges, the ability to introduce legislation, the ability to participate in SGA-related programs.
Dismissal shall be effective immediately following a majority quorum vote, suspending all privileges associated with SGA membership. Any student removed from SGA membership for reasons other than his/her GPA is ineligible to seek re-election to an SGA position during the remainder of the current semester.
Article 3
Article 3: Meetings
Meetings are to occur once weekly throughout the academic calendar year. All meetings are open and accessible to the MCC student body except when closed for an executive session. Officers must sit as a group in a manner conducive to their business, typically around a table. General Assembly Members and visitors may observe from the perimeter unless they are called as a guest speaker at which time they may join the table.
In order to be recognized, one must request placement on the agenda and receive approval by a President. Non-Officers may only speak if a majority of the voting membership consents. If time permits, visitors may speak during open floor.
Officers are encouraged to address issues including but not limited to public relations, constitutional amendments, student organizations, finance, and college-wide policy and initiatives. The MCC student body, the faculty, staff and administration may bring business directly to the SGA.
Minutes of each meeting are to be recorded. Meetings are to be conducted using parliamentary procedures.
The SGA meeting schedule must be decided and posting at the beginning of each semester. Officers are required to attend all meetings. Meetings should alternate between the Bedford and Lowell Campuses or where space is available. The Advisor must be informed of all meetings.
If limited time prohibits all agenda items to be addressed at a given meeting, remaining items shall be postponed to a definite time.
Section 1. Quorum
SGA may conduct official business and pass legislation provided that a majority of
the Officers are present. Quorum is defined as at least 5 voting or a majority of
total members.
Section 2. Legislation
Legislation is passed and action is taken as a result of a majority vote of the members
present and voting. In the event a decision is needed prior to the next scheduled
meeting, a special meeting may be called and may be held on-campus or electronically.
Special meetings may be called by a President or by request from a SGA Officer. Every
attempt should be made to publicize meetings not regularly scheduled to the student
Voting may only occur on a Middlesex Community College Campus, on-line or at a designated location as determined. Voting shall be conducted by a voice vote, roll call, show of hands or by secret ballot. Absentee votes are not permitted.
SGA may pass legislation between sessions (from the end of the spring semester to the time in which new executive officers are elected) providing a quorum of active officers is present. The legislation must be emergent in nature that cannot wait until the next election cycle.
Section 3. Executive Session
Because the SGA is a public body, it is subject to the provisions of the Massachusetts
Public Meetings Law. Specifically, if two or more members of any public body have
the authority to make decisions for or recommendations to a public body on policy
or administration, they are a governing body for purposes of the meetings law. The
Massachusetts Public Meetings Law authorizes governing bodies to meet in executive
session in certain limited situations.
The majority of the Officers may request that all or parts of a meeting be closed for executive session during which all non-Officers (except the SGA Advisor) must leave the chambers. Executive sessions may occur for the purpose of discussion of sensitive topics as outlined by Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
All executive sessions are considered confidential meetings. Minutes should be recorded during these sessions but are to be kept confidential and are to be stricken from the minutes, which are posted publicly.
Article 4; Article 5; Article 6; Article 7
Article 4: Executive Board
Purpose, Powers, duties and meetings
The Executive Board of the Student Government Association shall be President, Bedford Vice-President, Lowell Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. A second secretarial position is optional and at the discretion of the current student government membership.
Elections for Executive Board positions occur no later than the second official meeting of the academic year (except when filling a vacancy at which time it must occur within 2 meetings following the position opening). Executive members are elected by a majority vote held internally by secret ballot from the 15 Officers. The term of office shall be for one year or until a successor is elected and installed. Executive members elected at any time during an academic year must relinquish their offices at the start of the next academic year. Executive members may seek re-election to their posts.
Should the office of either President become vacant, the Vice President for that campus shall assume all of the responsibilities of that office. Should the office of any of the remaining Executive Positions become vacant, the SGA shall fill that office from its ranks by majority vote.
Article 5: Committees
The SGA is organized into eight standing committees, which perform most of the specialized focus work of the Organization. Each committee specializes in one of the eight key areas of Student Government and student life, and each Officer is appointed by the President based on interest to only one standing committee. No more than four Officers and no less than one Officer comprise standing committees. All Members may be called upon to assist with committee duties. Committees serve as a filter system for legislation and are the first step for approval and enactment. In committee, Officers discuss an issue for the first time and have the option to amend it, report it favorably to the full board, or to defer (kill) it. The eight standing committees of the Student Senate are listed below.
Finance: Headed by the SGA Treasurer, officers voluntarily elect to serve by the second official meeting of the academic year. Recommends and monitors the expenditures of the Student Activities Fund, partially funded by the Student Services Fee.
Student Advocacy: Acts on behalf of students’ needs and researches topics that concern MCC students.
Student Organizations: Reviews constitutions, creates and promotes club policy, annually reviews organization publications, and coordinates the SGA liaison program.
Awards: Nominates candidates for the annual Club of the Year Award and Program of the Year Award.
Community Service: Sponsors and/or coordinates special projects that benefit the community.
Elections: Coordinates the elections of Officers as well as any special elections necessary throughout the year.
Rules: Recommends amendments to the SGA Constitution as well as determine if a proposed item of legislation is constitutional.
Standing Committees may be added with a majority vote of officers present and voting. Special Committees may be created and appointed by the President if the majority of Officers approve. Officers and Members are often requested to serve on College-wide Committees and may do so in addition to their participation on a Standing Committee.
Article 6: Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the SGA in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the SGA may adopt.
Article 7: Amendments
This constitution shall be amended and become effective upon a majority vote of those MCC students who have paid their student services fee and who are present.
Any Middlesex Community College student may submit proposals for amendments to this constitution to the Student Government Association. Upon a majority vote of the SGA membership approving the proposed change(s), the proposed amendment to the constitution must then be submitted to the student body for approval. The proposed amendment shall pass upon a majority vote of those MCC students who have paid their student services fee and who are present.
In the event that the SGA does not approve a proposed change, proposals for amendments to this constitution may also be made by a petition of not less than 5% of the signatures of members from the student body who have paid their student services fee. Each proposal shall specify the exact wording to be changed. Upon certification of signatures, the proposed amendment must be submitted to the student body for approval. The proposed amendment shall pass upon a majority vote of those MCC students who have paid their student services fee and who are present.
Standing Rules of the MCC Student Government Association
A. President. There shall be one President, representing both campus (Lowell & Bedford). The President shall preside over all over all SGA meetings at their respective campus and oversee the duties of the Executive Board. They shall serve as the official spokespeople for the SGA and represent it in all matters affecting its interest. The President is permitted to vote anytime their vote would affect the outcome of a vote and in secret ballots where impartiality would not be jeopardized. They shall have the power to appoint Officers and Members to committees. They shall have the power to place members under review, with the approval of the Executive Board. In collaboration with the SGA Advisor, the President may appoint new/temporary positions on the board as the need may arise as determined by a majority vote of the Organization. In the same respect, they may relinquish any such post when it is no longer deemed necessary. The President shall represent SGA and Middlesex Community College at the Student Advisory Council sponsored by the Department of Higher Education.
B. Vice President. There shall be two Vice Presidents, each representing one campus. The Vice-President shall assume all duties of the President in the event the President’s position is vacant on his/her respective campus. The Vice-President assists the President in all duties upon request of the President. They shall oversee all SGA committees and compile reports. They are responsible for receiving any reports, questions, or concerns from the SGA Officers. They are responsible for recruitment and retention efforts.
C. Treasurer. The Treasurer is responsible for monitoring all funds of the Student Activity Fund (SAF). The Treasurer shall provide financial reports upon request. The Treasurer meets with the SGA Advisor regularly and compile a monthly report with the SGA advisor and present it to the board. He or She shall present budget requests to the board and make recommendations based on the financial report. The Treasurer shall preside with the SGA advisor over the Finance Committee.
D. Secretary. The Secretaries shall keep official accurate minutes and attendance records for all SGA meetings and must post them online within 4 days of each meeting. The Secretaries shall work closely with the Presidents to produce meeting agendas. They shall keep an event calendar of upcoming events, meetings, executive meetings, and appointments. They shall send reminders to the board and others when necessary.
E. Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall render advisory opinions on questions of procedure to the President or other presiding officer of the Organization. It shall be incumbent upon them to render such opinions on his own initiative whether requested to do so by the presiding officer or not.
F. Officers. Officers actively participate in meetings by discussing, debating and voting on issues. All officers must serve on at least one Standing Committee and serve as liaison to at least 2 clubs/organizations.
G. Members. Members may serve on committees if interested when their participation is requested by the Officers. Members may participate in all SGA social events and paraprofessional endeavors. Members may comment during discussions only with approval of a majority vote by the Officers or during open floor.
II. Attendance
Attendance is mandatory at all SGA meetings.
Excessive (more than 3) absences or being excessively late or needing to leave early
shall subject a member to a review by SGA that may result in probation or removal
from office. SGA Officers may be absent from no more than two official meetings per
semester, either consecutively or nonconsecutively. Should an Officer be absent from
a third meeting in any one semester, said Officer will receive formal written notification
stating that their attendance and explanation is required at the next scheduled meeting,
at which time any action decided by majority of the assembly present and voting, excluding
the vote of the individual in question, may be taken.
III. Roles and Responsibilities for the Student Government Advisor
The Student Government Advisor shall be the Middlesex Community College Director of
the Office of Student Engagement or their Designee.
The Advisor is to work closely with the Government solely in an advisory capacity including the following duties:
- The Advisor is to attend all general meetings of the SGA or arrange for an appropriate
substitute or visiting speaker.
- Review all minutes to insure that the record is accurate.
- Review all club/organization paperwork and sign in collaboration with the appropriate SGA Executive Board member.
- Ensure that the SGA is working closely with the campus business office concerning all fiscal matters.
- Shall approve all fiscal transactions and campus events while keeping the SGA Treasurer and Finance Committee updated on spending from the SAF.
- Conduct a grade verification of all Officers to insure that all minimum grade requirements
are met.
- Regularly request and review any discipline files for Officers.
- Participate in meetings only when called upon by the Officers for advice, guidance,
or information or in the event that crucial information is necessary to expedite discussion
or debate.
- Support and advocate for all Officers and Members and the student body they represent.
IV. Amendments
These by-laws shall be amended and become effective upon a vote of two-thirds of the
Officers of the Middlesex Community College Student Government Association.
Student Government Association Special Rules of Order
1. Finance Allocations
The mission of the Student Government’s finance allocation process is to foster growth and excellence in the student experience at the College. The Student Government will fund activities that comply with the following guidelines, irrespective of viewpoint of the organization, and in accordance with the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities found in the current edition of the Student Handbook. The Student Government will not fund activities that fail to comply with the prescribed guidelines.
Intended goals of the process are to insure accountability of all student activity fee funding; to teach budget planning; to encourage organizations to plan ahead; to encourage organizations to justify their expenses; to encourage a greater diversity of activities funded through a proportion of the student services fee.
Requests for funding are received throughout the year. Funds are distributed until depleted. The budget process consists of three stages: (A) the budget request; (B) budget defense (required), discussion and decision at regularly scheduled SGA business meeting; (C) objections to the SGA recommendations
(D) final SGA approval and Treasurer Signature.
The Student Government may fund activities that fall into the following categories:
- Student Government sponsored initiatives: These are activities or initiatives sponsored by SGA or parts thereof. These include clubs and organizations, student internships, and readership programs.
- Student Life and Student Activities operation and programs, including staffing, licensing fees, publications, assessment, specialty supplies and anything related to recruitment for student involvement or retention of students.
- Conference Activities (Paraprofessional Fund): These activities involve support for
students of the College attending lectures, conferences, symposia, or similar activities.
- Orientation Activities: Activities designed to create a welcoming environment for new students.
- Leadership Development initiatives: including non-credit curriculum, speakers, retreats and workshops, service activities, and recognition.
- Fitness and Recreation: Activities intended to educate the college community about health, wellness, exercise and nutrition, including hands-on and passive programming, facilities and intramural sports.
4. Special Activity Funding: Financial assistance for activities and events that meet the mission of the SAF. These activities fall into 1 of 4 categories: a. new initiatives b. collaborations c. Unanticipated needs or d. emergency spending. These are funded out of the contingency account as needed until all funds have been depleted. Budget proposals are reviewed and accepted according to the standard allocation process until all funds have been depleted.
- Co-curricular Activities: These are activities which promote, supplement, or enhance
curricular activities of the students at the College. To be included in this category,
the activity for which funding is requested must be clearly linked to those of academic
departments, programs, or schools.
- Cultural Activities: The activities are designed to increase cultural awareness,
- Social Activities: Programs and activities designed to create an environment that is enjoyable and pleasant, welcoming and fun; that is to build community and generate friendships.
The Contingency: An appropriation of the Student Activity Fund Criteria considered in fee allocation*
- The extent to which the proposed activity is likely to foster growth and excellence among students at the College.
- The commitment of the activity sponsors to the execution of the activity.
- The history of the activity, and the projected needs of the activity for the upcoming fiscal year.
- The intent for direct service or active participation of students.
- The program concept
- Does it connect to the strategic plan?
- Does it meet one or more of the core commitments?
- Does it encourage faculty-student interaction?
- Does it meet the mission and goals as outlined by Student Government and/or the Student Activities Office?
Other considerations:
- The amount of outside funding the activity has previously received and the potential for additional funding from other sources.
- The goals of the organization's primary activities and its membership selection process.
- The number of students who will benefit from the program or service. (Anticipated participation rate. Does the activity benefit and/or is it open to the entire college community?)
- Collaborative efforts with other departments/groups.
- The success and effectiveness of the organization in planning and executing past programs. (Newly established organizations will not be judged by these criteria.)
- The quality and thoroughness of the written budget request. (Budget requests must be completed in their entirety including any supplemental documentation.)
- How much funding is available in the contingency account? (SGA reserves the right to allocate a portion of the request based on anticipated future requests.)
*Detailed policies and procedures for making purchases can be found in the Beacon Student Organization Manual. Some limitations on food, travel, equipment, and subscriptions may apply.
SGA members embrace the principles of honesty, fairness, and integrity. They protect the interests of all MCC students by ensuring that the decisions they make are in the best interests of all parties involved.
Members do not make arbitrary judgments. They look at the big picture and make decisions that will benefit the entire college community. SGA derives its authority from the Governor, the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education, and the Middlesex Community College Board of Trustees through the President of the college and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. The student activities/services fee and subsequent allocation by a student board is common practice among American Colleges and is established to broaden the base of decision making; preclude the risk of arbitrary judgements; help insure that the fee distribution will be in the best interest of the students at the college; promote the welfare of the students as individuals and group members.
Allocations are made as long as funds are available and if the activity conforms to
the funding guidelines and the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. All such
requests are subject to approval by the Director of the Office of Student Engagement.
SGA Contingency Allocation Review
Score 1 point for every YES answer.
- There is a strong commitment of the activity sponsors to the execution of the activity.
- There is a history of SGA sponsorship of this activity.
- The requesting organization/department’s goals include service to students.
- The program concept connects to the strategic plan, meets one or more of the core commitments, or encourages faculty-student interaction.
- There is evidence of collaboration with other departments/groups
- The requesting organization/department has demonstrated effective and successful programs in the past.
- There is no potential for funding from other sources.
Score 2 points for every YES answer.
- 100% of the funds will go directly back to the students in a direct capacity involving active participation of the students.
- The program meets the mission and goals as outlined by SGA and/or the Office of Student Engagement.
- The program/service will be open or available to all students.
- The request was thoughtful and included all necessary information.
Total score: _______
Requests receiving between 8-15 points will be approved in part or in full if funding is available according to contingency allocation guidelines. Whenever possible, scores of 12 or above will be approved in full up to a maximum of $500 for non-club initiatives or $1000 for clubs.
SGA Review Process
When a Student Government member violates the SGA constitution or Middlesex Community College Student Handbook, he or she will be sent a letter requesting their presence at a review hearing. The following guidelines are to be followed in order to conduct this hearing in a fair and equitable way.
- The following people are required to be in attendance at the hearing in order for it to take place: At least 1 SGA President, a quorum of the members, and the SGA advisor.
- The member up for review is not required to attend in order for discussion and decision to occur.
- The order for the proceeding is as follows:
- President announces that the meeting is closed and minutes will be kept confidential. The board will use parliamentary procedures to conduct the meeting. This is overseen by the President. The advisor may offer suggestions and input throughout the meeting and discussion.
- If member up for review is present, President reads the opening paragraph as written on the reverse side. If absent, President proceeds to step 6.
- Member up for review, if present, has the opportunity to defend themselves for as long as they need.
- Voting members may ask questions that pertain to infractions and future plans as they relate to Student Government (see examples).
- When all questions have been asked, the President will ask the member up for review if they have any final words before deliberation. If so, they may state their closing thoughts and then leave the room.
- The board will then discuss all aspects of this case taking into consideration any precedents. If similar cases have been heard in the past, board members must be mindful to be fair and treat all members equally. If there are situational differences, those should be noted and discussed. The needs of the board and significance of the infraction vary year to year and it is recognized that sometimes new policies and expectations may supersede precedent.
- The board decides on a consequence (see examples). The President asks the member up for review to return and announces the decision of the board. The member then accepts or declines the terms.
- If more than one member is up for review, each case will be evaluated individually and in alphabetical order. Members up for review have no vote at these hearings and will not be present except for their own
- All present at meeting must be respectful and make decisions based on what is best for the future of Student Government at MCC.
Opening Paragraph:
(Insert Name), you have been called here for review by the Student Government Association for violating our constitution. (Specify which section and details of infraction.) The goal of this process is to conduct hearings in the most fair and equitable way while keeping the goals and of Student Government in mind. The members present today will hear your defense and decide on appropriate consequences.
You will have the opportunity to defend yourself before we deliberate. If you would like, you can begin with an opening statement. We will then have the opportunity to ask you questions. And you will have the option of telling us any closing thoughts. At that time, I will ask you to leave the room while we determine if there should be any consequences. When we are through deliberating, you will be invited back in to hear the results. Do you understand the process? (If yes, continue on to defendant’s opening statement.)
Examples of questions:
- (If due to absences) Did you call/alert the Presidents or advisor in advance of your absence? Are the reasons for your absences extreme or unusual? Do you realize what effect your absences had on meetings and productivity? Do you accept SGA as you would a job or a class where absences are frowned upon and hurt your potential to do well and for the team to succeed? Will you be able to attend all future meetings?
2. (If due to infraction of handbook policies) In light of what has happened, do you believe yourself to be an adequate representative of this organization? How will sanctions placed by the College affect your ability to serve?
3. (If due to an inability to meet the qualifications for serving) Based on your actions or comments, we are concerned that you do not comprehend the SGA constitution. Can you convince us that you do understand it or that you will make significant efforts to learn and appreciate its meaning? As a representative of this governing body it is essential that you understand SGA’s mission and goals; your actions and/or comments suggest otherwise. Could you persuade us to believe otherwise? By joining SGA, you had made the commitment to actively participate and we have not seen you demonstrate this. Have extreme or unusual circumstances caused your lack of involvement? How will that change in the future? Do you recognize the importance of active involvement and why it is necessary in order for SGA to be successful? Convince Each SGA member must demonstrate the ability to:
4. Do you believe you acted responsibly to the best of your ability? How could you have handled it better?
5. What consequence do you think would be fair and appropriate?
Examples of consequences:
- No action
- Dismissal from SGA
- Removal from office
- Probation
- No absences for rest of semester/year
- No voting privileges for 2 weeks
- Automatic dismissal at next infraction
- Creative Sanctions
- Extra office hours
- Take quiz on Beacon, Constitution, etc. and must pass
- Volunteer or complete special project as assigned
Campaigning Instructions
III. Campaigning Instructions
- Candidates shall abide by the MCC Poster Policy. Campaign material may only be placed on bulletin boards designated for College-sponsored activities.
- Candidates may make up to 30 copies of campaign material in the Office of Student Engagement.
- CLE staff will not edit or assist in the creation of a candidate’s ballot statement or campaign materials.
- It is the responsibility of each candidate to remove all campaign posters within two school days following the final day of the election.
- During the day of election, campaign material may not be visible from the ballot table.
- Individuals who are campaigning may not be within 30 feet from the poll area on election day except when voting.
- Negative campaigning against opponents is not permitted.
- Any misconduct (not following campaign rules or other infraction as described in the MCC Student Handbook) may result in disciplinary action which may include disqualification from race. The Student Activities Office reserves the right to recount votes, repeat elections, and/or cancel elections at any time if it is able to cite examples of irregularity or failure to comply with campaigning instructions.
Order of Business
During meetings, all members and visitors must remain seated, turn off ringers to cell phones, pay attention to business, participate frequently, refrain from side conversations, listen carefully and follow parliamentary procedures.
Section One: Call to Order
The presiding officer shall call the meeting to order. Everyone shall take seats.
Section Two: Roll Call
The presiding officer shall ask for Roll Call to be taken. The Secretary shall call each Officer and Member's name for attendance. Any tardy Officer forfeits his or her right to vote in the current meeting unless extenuating circumstances, to be determined by the President, permit voting.
Section Three: Approval of Previous Minutes
The Secretary shall present the minutes of any previous meeting that have not yet been approved. The presiding officer shall ask for a motion to approve the minutes. However, the minutes may be approved, amended or postponed until the next meeting. Minutes may not be postponed more than once. In order for the minutes to be approved, amended or postponed, there must be a motion, a secondary motion. If previous minutes have been motioned for amendment or postponement, an explanation is expected.
Unless a motion for a voice vote or roll call vote interrupts the presiding officer, a hand vote of fifty percent plus one members shall pass the previous minutes.
Section Four: Guests
The President shall introduce any guests and explain to the SGA why they are joining the meeting. The President will then offer an introduction of Officers and members and then turn the floor over to the visitors.
Section Five: Executive Reports
- President Update
- The President may use this time to give updates in accordance with their role.
- Charter Review
- The Vice President of the Campus where the meeting is conducted shall present any charters for review and approval by the board.
- 3. Review of the Budget
- At each meeting, the Treasurer shall give a brief report discussing the current budget, any updates on future spending and outstanding budget requests. The Treasurer shall deliver a monthly report on what funds from the SAF have been allocated, the amount of funds have been spent by clubs and organizations, and any relevant updates on the budget. After the Treasurer finishes his or her report, there shall be a period for questions. At this time, any Officer may ask any question that he or she finds relevant.
- Budget and Paraprofessional Requests
- The treasurer shall present any requests for review and approval by the board.
- Report of the Advisor
- The Advisor of SGA shall report on activities pertaining to SGA. After the Advisor finishes his or her report, there shall be a period for questions. At this time, any council member may ask any question that they find relevant.
Section Six: Committee Reports
The presiding officer shall ask if Presidents of Committees to provide reports. After the President has finished his/her remarks, there shall be a period for questions.
Section Seven: Unfinished Agenda Items
The President or presiding officer will direct agenda items in order to individuals who are responsible for their consideration. Brief opening statements are allowed to update or refresh information. Motions must be made before further discussion on action.
Section Eight: New Business
The presiding officer shall ask if any council member wishes to present a prepared statement on any topic related SGA that have been approved in advance and are on the agenda. All Officers have an equal opportunity to address the council about any relevant issue if protocol has been followed for placing the topic on the agenda. Motion and discussion follow.
Club liaisons report during New Business during the second official meeting of each month.
Section Nine: Open Floor
The President calls for Open Floor and allows for all Officers, Members and Visitors to speak at this time. The Organization will at all times respect the speaker. Roberts Rules of Order still apply.
Section Ten: Announcements
The President or his/her designee may make announcements about upcoming events or programs that the membership should be aware of that has not been previously mentioned.
Section Eleven: Adjournment
The presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting following a motion to do so and approval by a majority of those present and voting.
Meeting Guidelines
- President will remain seated during meetings
- In order to help the secretary keep accurate meetings, committees should provide a written copy of reports made during SGA meetings. Written reports should be submitted directly to the secretary.
- In order to speak (“claim the floor”), members should raise hands and wait to be acknowledged by the President.
- President is responsible for keeping the discussion on track. President should inform members when their remarks do not address the topic of discussion.
- Guests, periodic visitors (i.e. MASSPIRG Reps, student representatives from clubs/organizations, others) are welcome to observe during the meeting. They should only be allowed to speak if they are on the agenda to address a particular issue. They should only speak to that issue. Otherwise, they should not be recognized. This helps to eliminate inappropriate comments/excessive dialogue during the meetings. Guests/visitors who wish to address the student government must request in advance to be placed on the meeting’s agenda.
- When recognizing someone who is on the agenda to address the student government, the
President should:
- First ask all SGA members to introduce themselves to the guest.
- The President may also wish to provide some background information in an effort to explain the purpose of the guest’s visit to the SGA meeting.
- During the guest’s presentation and interaction with SGA members:
- All SGA members should be conscious of their body language. For example, sitting up straight, being attentive, and making eye contact with the guest sends the message that SGA representatives are interested in the guest’s presentation. Avoiding eye contact, conversing with fellow SGA representatives, slouching, etc. may imply disinterest in the guest’s presentation and may be perceived as rude behavior.
Club of the Year Selection
The Awards Committee is responsible for selecting no more than 3 candidates for this honor using the criteria below. The 3 candidates must be approved by a majority vote of the SGA members present and voting. The 3 approved candidates will then be forwarded to a secret selection committee via the SGA Advisor for final selection which will be announced at the annual recognition ceremony.
Criteria for Club of the Year
Paperwork and Management of Budget
1. Turned in paperwork in a timely manner (and organized)
2. Managed budget in a fiscally responsible way
3. Follows guidelines as outlined in the Beacon
Growth of the club
1. Demonstration of improvement
2. Membership recruitment
1. Quantity and Quality of activities
2. Advertising, planning, implementing, delegating, etc.
3. Inclusion of campus in activities
4. Uniqueness of programming
Student Driven
1. Demonstration of leadership growth
2. Activities and paperwork planned and submitted by students (not advisors)
3. Ideas generated by students
4. Inclusion of all members
5. Conflict resolution, teamwork, etc.
Fundraising Efforts
1. Were fundraisers conducted?
2. Were they organized and successful?
Community Service
1. Did the club participate in civic engagement?
Overall Performance
1. (Consider ratio of budget & advisors to club membership/activities)