Welcome to the Center's Resource Hub.

This page is a resource hub that provides current resources for the community to read and use in their work to challenge the idea of a hierarchy of human value based on race and to eliminate racism as we work together to create racially equitable and just communities. The content will change as new resources become available.

1st Annual Day of Love, Acceptance & Belonging @MCC

7th Annual National Day of Racial Healing @MCC


Higher Education Anti-Racist Teaching (H.E.A.R.T.) Podcast

Truth, Racial Healing, & Transformation Framework

Dialogues & Conversations

When Watching Footage of Police Brutality Begets Trauma,
by J. Luke Woods, Ph.D. in The Psychology of Racial Equity in Psychology Today 2/2/2023

Equity Leadership

Shared Equity Leadership (SEL) - American Council on Education (ACE) and USC Pullias Center for Higher Education provide SEL toolkits, reports and publications on building a culture of shared equity leadership in higher education.

Policy & Procedures 

Last Modified: 4/17/24