Learning Preferences & Learning Preference Inventories

A Resource for Everyone

The Academic Centers for Enrichment (ACE) provides a variety of services to students and faculty alike. From individual tutoring to interactive courseware, we provide the tools that help students succeed.

Knowledge is the Key

Understanding how a student learns can unlock new potential and increase academic performance. For years the Academic Support Department has provided the Learning Preference Inventory (LPI) to students who attend our tutoring centers. These self-tests show students how they learn best, and this knowledge can be used to improve study skills, in-class participation, and test scores. Click on the link above to download our Learning Preference Inventory and take it for yourself!

Click here for an interactive pdf version of the LPI. Simply put the number one "1" in the yes field if you agree with that statement. If you don't agree, leave the yes and no fields blank. The total of the all the yes answers will tally in their associated learning style on the third page. Then you simply click on save > save as pdf, name the file, and print!

Feel free to call or visit one of our Writing Centers or Reading Labs and one of our tutors would be happy to help you interpret your results. You can also call or e-mail Noreen McGinness Olson, Director of Academic Support Programs, to schedule an appointment (phone: 781-280-3591 or e-mail: mcginnessn@middlesex.edu).

Learning Preferences Software

Today, new technology can provide this service via an interactive multimedia interface. Information is gathered and stored for use by students, teachers, and tutors together, creating a learning partnership.

Your Input Needed!

We in the Academic Centers for Enrichment Department would like to know your thoughts and opinions on this subject. We are always exploring new ways to approach the way we tutor our students and would appreciate your input so that we can serve our student population as efficiently as possible.

Please take a moment to answer the questions, or send an email with any thoughts you have about this topic to:



Please take a moment to answer these brief questions so that the Academic Support Staff can better serve the needs of our community.

  • Describe your familiarity with the Learning Preferences Inventory
  • Are you interested in knowing individual student results?
  • Are you concerned that multimedia teaching tools may replace individualized attention?
  • Do you think multimedia-teaching tools will improve student learning?
  • How interested are you in statistical analyses of student learning preferences, and would these statistics affect your teaching style?

Do Your Homework

In case you haven't thought about a Learning Preferences Inventory in the past, and are unfamiliar with how these inventories work, we have prepared a list of links which may provide some insight.


Online Self Tests:

Printable Self Tests:

Self Improvement for College Students

Students must first understand what self-improvement is and its importance before they can make moves to improve. It often makes sense to think of self-improvement as basically personal development or becoming more well-rounded. Often, though, it means much more. Read on for some more information on these basic questions by clicking on the link below.


Adapting Your Management Approach for Different Learning Preferences


Last Modified: 5/13/24