Remote Learning Success

Being successful in online learning is similar to being successful in a classroom. You need to actively engage in your course by doing all the assigned readings and doing your best on all of the assignments. Also, you need to ask your instructor questions when you have them and, if possible, connect with the other students in your class.

Watch this video for success tips on Remote Learning from ACE Peer Tutors!

There are also some differences with online learning that you should think about in order to be as successful as possible:

You won't have the structure of scheduled classes to help keep you on track.

It is crucial for you to practice effective time management. Your instructor may require you to meet synchronously (in "real time") through web conferencing (Bb Collaborate, Zoom, etc). However, many will ask you to communicate through discussion boards or email. Instructors will provide you with assignment directions and due dates using these communication tools. Creating a study schedule has shown to be helpful for students learning remotely. Also, keep in mind that a 3-credit course should take you about 9 hours per week. To stay on track, use a calendar, phone app, or a paper agenda to keep track of due dates and study times.

You need to be more independent in your learning.

Students who learn best from going to class will be challenged by remote learning. If you learn this way, it will help you to be active going through the course material. Take notes on video lectures and readings. Read out loud. Call or text with someone else in your class or speak with a family member about what you are learning. Put what you learn into your own words and reflect on it. You can also make flash cards and practice quizzes for yourself.

You may need additional subject matter help.

Request a tutoring appointment for help with your class or assistance with study skills and time management. At the ACE Department you can get help in most subjects and there is also help with writing for any class.

Use the MCC Library services online at for a number of remote services, including a chat with the librarian feature.

You may need help with the technology.

  • Review the Remote Learning Tools section of this website by clicking the link "Remote Learning Tools."
  • You can request a tutoring appointment through ACE
  • If you're having troubling logging in to email or the MCC portal contact the technology center here or call 978-656-3301 24/7.
  • If you need access to technology for remote learning, email


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Last Modified: 6/4/24