Support Us

If you or your organization are interested in supporting the students and the mission of the Adult Learning Center (ALC), please consider donating in one of the following two ways:

Donate Funds
To send a financial donation directly to the Adult Learning Center, please:
  • Visit the MCC Foundation page
  • Click Donate Now
  • Select "The Adult Learning Center" as the recipient from the drop-down list

Donate Textiles
Middlesex Community College and the Adult Learning Center have partnered with Bay State Textiles on a green initiative to help you clean out your closets while keeping unnecessary waste out of landfills. Please consider donating clean, dry textile items (including stuffed animals, linens, shoes, etc. for re-use or recycling) to one of the two textile donation boxes located on the Bedford campus of Middlesex Community College. Proceeds from this initiative directly support the ALC. Visit Bay State Textiles for a list of accepted items.

THANK YOU from the staff and students of the Adult Learning Center for considering us. If there are other ways you or your organization would like to support our program, please don't hesitate to contact Kathy Innis, Program Director, at
Last Modified: 5/13/24