Cancelling Class

Please follow the correct procedure when unforeseen circumstances prevent you from instructing a scheduled class. Unpredictable events occur in everyone's life. But there are a number of ways to make sure that you meet your class time obligation. When you cannot instruct your class at the last minute, a Student Affairs professional may be available to deliver a general presentation relevant to all MCC students. Check availability at MCC Speaks!

In addition, there are other valuable make up alternatives in our DCE contract for faculty who have canceled classes. Our DCE contract provides the following methods to you for making up class time with the prior approval of the College:

  1. schedule a meeting of the class on another day that is mutually agreeable to the unit member, the students and the College;
  2. begin earlier and/or end class later for as many sessions required to compensate for the time missed;
  3. assign a paper, project, or a self-directed learning experience which will require a time span equivalent to one class period;
  4. by another method proposed by the unit member and approved by the appropriate dean.

When you have to miss class, you are required to contact the college.  The cancellation will then be posted on the MyMcc Portal and a sign will be posted on the door.  Please advise your students to download the MCC App: or to sign up for alerts that will be sent to their MCC email address:

To cancel your classes, please use the Class Cancellation policy here

Running Late?

If you’re running late, please see the list below and contact the administrative assistant for the building in which you teach so he/she can tell the students. The general college policy is that students may leave if the instructor isn't there within 15 minutes after the class starts. However, the admin can let students know that you are on your way and students will stay.

Lowell, City 978-656-3156
Lowell, Federal 978-656-3156
Lowell, Talbot 978-656-3095 or 3054
Lowell, Derby 978-656-3280

Bedford, Henderson Hall: Suzanne Panniello (part-time, M-Th., 7-12:00) 781-280-3842
Bedford, North Academic: Diane Casey (part-time, M-Th., 8-Noon, NO SUMMER) 781-280-3841
Bedford House: Mary Ann Ardell: 781-280-3901
Bedford, Academic Resources: Maryann Sullivan: 781-280-3736
Bedford, South Academic: Gail Desrochers: 781-280-3582


College Closing and Delayed Opening Information

Access college closing and delayed opening alerts via text message, Facebook, or Twitter:

When inclement weather or emergency necessitates the closing of the college and cancellation of all scheduled activities, the information is available on the media outlets listed below. Cancellation notices are posted on the MCC Portal and a recorded message is available at: Bedford 781-280-3200 or Lowell 978-656-3200.

The decision to cancel evening classes and events is generally made after 2p.m., and faculty/staff should review media information before commuting to the college.


WHDH Channel 7 WCAP 980AM

WBZ Channel 4 WBZ 1030AM

A delayed opening means the college will open at 10 a.m.

Classes scheduled to begin before 10 a.m. will not take place.

Last Modified: 8/4/23