Schedule an Event

The following instructions outline the process for reserving a room for an event and posting on the calendar.

  1. Avoid Conflicts by Searching First

    To avoid competing with events that are likely to draw a similar audience, check your proposed date and time by doing a search on the Location Availability View ( before you commit to an event date and time. Although the Event Wizard form will tell you if a space is available or not as you fill it out with your dates and times.  If your event is off campus or virtual then the conflict search is not necessary.  Refer to this list of space approvers if you have particular room questions:

  2. Requesting a Space

    Sign in to 25Live Pro

    Create an Event. You will request a specific space during the reservation process. You can check the space availability before creating your event using the Find Available Locations box on the Event Wizard form. Please do not submit a request without choosing a location.

    You can select the off campus location for an either an off campus or virtual event. This location is for events that people want to appear on a calendar that are held off campus or are virtual events. It has been set as a shared location so there should never be an issue with conflicts. The approval and confirmation process for off campus events is the same as other event requests.

    Enter Event Name. This field is limited to 40 characters. If you have a longer title, please put a short descriptive name in this field then add your longer title as the first line in the description field. Only include the name of an individual if it is easily recognizable to a broad audience or the Middlesex community.

    Enter Event Description. The description appears on the website calendar. The description should not be the same as the event name, and the event location and time do not need to be included. The description of your event should include the following (if applicable): long name of the event, full name of any acronyms you used in the Event Name, a concise but detailed description of the event, the cost, a link for more info or event website (please use the “insert/edit link” button above the description field), registration info, speaker’s bio, sponsoring organization(s) or funding source(s). (For off campus or virtual events): email address of person to contact for event info and meeting link, website link for events taking place at another venue. Please be as complete as possible. This calendar is used by many different audiences and you will ensure appropriate and engaged attendees if you describe your event in detail. It is recommended to include a speaker's biography particularly if the presenter is not widely known.

    Enter Time of Event. Enter the time you want the actual event to begin in the Event Start field and the time you anticipate the event ending in the Event End field. If you will have any service providers setting up for your event or if you would like some time to set up or take down please click "yes" under Additional Time below the Event Time then indicate how much time is needed for pre and/or post event activities. DO NOT include the set up time in the actual start time of the event as this will cause confusion for possible attendees referencing the calendar and for any support service providers and the event scheduler will enter in required room set up and break down times.

  3. Approval and Confirmation
    • Upon saving your request the system will give you an immediate acknowledgement that your request has been submitted — that is NOT your confirmation. The acknowledgement will also indicate that your request has been changed to a preference— this is normal.
    • Please wait for the email that your space/event has been Confirmed before publicizing your event or making posters.
    • Email confirmations are sent to the requestor and will normally be received within two business days. Keep in mind that the scheduling office is open Monday - Friday and requests are not processed on weekends or holidays so please plan ahead. If your request is for a date not in the current semester it may take longer to be approved. Please contact the scheduling office with any questions about the approval of your event.
    If you need to make a change to your original reservation, please call or email the department responsible for approving that space. List of who approves which rooms is here -
    Do not enter a new event request as the schedulers can make any changes needed to your original event which will save you time.


Last Modified: 8/4/23