Appeal Process - Financial Aid

Students can appeal the suspension of their financial aid eligibility. Special consideration may be granted in cases of extenuating circumstances. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Financial Aid Office using the MCC Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form with all appropriate documentation. Students should appeal if they are not maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress due to personal or exceptional circumstances (i.e. illness, death of a family member, personal problems, etc.), administrative error or change of grade. The Financial Aid Office will notify the student of the appeal decision. Students whose appeals are approved will be placed on Financial Aid Probation and remain eligible for financial aid for one semester.  Continued eligibility will be based on meeting a stated educational plan or meeting the minimum standards of this policy. Students meeting the academic plan as stated in their appeal reinstatement letter may continue to be eligible for financial aid.

Evaluation of one or more of the following conditions may result in reinstatement of financial aid:

  1. An error has been made when determining academic progress.
  2. Late grade changes or course corrections have been submitted.
  3. Exceptional medical or personal circumstances.
  4. Substantial changes in curriculum or change of major.
  5. Indication over time of improved level of academic success.
  6. Other extenuating circumstances.

MCC Satisfactory Academic Appeal & Reinstatement Form 

Maximum Time frame Appeals Process

Appeals for the maximum time frame requirement (150%) must be submitted in writing using the MCC Academic Completion Appeal Form, based on the conditions stated above. This appeal must include an explanation from the student of the need for additional credits, including the courses remaining by semester needed to complete the program.

The Financial Aid Office will notify the student of the appeal decision by email to the student’s MCC email account.

Academic Completion Plan PDF

Maximum Time Frame Academic Progress Appeal

Last Modified: 8/20/24