Service-Learning at MCC: A Guide for Community Partners

Service-Learning Defined:

Service-Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. ~Learn and Serve America National Service-Learning Clearinghouse

Service-Learning at MCC:

  • Students engage in either Individual Service-Learning or Project Based Service-Learning activities. Service-Learning is designed to meet a community need, while providing the students with hands-on experience, exposure to social issues, and the ability to connect with community members.
  • Students complete 22 hours of service for one class; 36 hours for two classes and 44 hours for three classes.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Complete Service-Learning contract and review with site supervisor during the initial meeting
  • Provide community partner with the necessary steps to add themselves to GivePulse. Refer to “GivePulse Student Handout.”
  • Set up a consistent schedule at the agency
  • Follow the Professional Guidelines for Service-Learning
  • Communicate any issues to site supervisor, faculty and Service-Learning staff at MCC
  • Input hours into GivePulse database each week and have site supervisor verify hours
  • Have site supervisor sign the Verification of Service-Learning Hours form at the end of the experience

Faculty Responsibilities:

  • Review and sign-off on the Service-Learning contract to ensure that the student’s experience is congruent with course outcomes
  • Provide students with ongoing reflection assignments that will help students connect their Service-Learning experience with what is being taught in class
  • Provide advice / guidance if a student is experiencing issues at their service site
  • Provide students with the opportunity to discuss their experience with their peers, if applicable

Community Partner Responsibilities:

  • Sign off on the Service-Learning contract to ensure that responsibilities at the site tie into the student’s learning outcomes
  • Provide students with an orientation and review policies, procedures, and the safety protocol of the organization
  • Provide ongoing supervision to delegate responsibilities, provide guidance, and educate students about relevant social issues
  • Verify weekly volunteer hours
  • Sign off on the Verification of Service-Learning Hours form at the end of the experience
  • Complete the Student Evaluation at the end of the experience

Service-Learning Staff Responsibilities:

  • Help students find an appropriate service site & assist faculty doing Service-Learning
  • Assist students in troubleshooting any issues with GivePulse
  • Work with the Registrar’s office to ensure that students receive credit for Service-Learning
  • Troubleshoot any issues that may arise for the student or community partner
Questions about Service-Learning?
Office of Civic & Service-Learning
Last Modified: 5/17/24