Dean's Advisory Council Mission

The Dean's Advisory Council is appointed annually with the main purpose to consult with and advise the Assistant Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs on matters pertaining to current issues and policy decisions. Dedicated to providing the College community with a positive environment, reflective of the Middlesex Core Commitments, the Council has 3 overarching duties:

  1. It serves as a sounding board regarding policies and procedures relating to the code of conduct.
  2. It offers recommendations to the College community for ensuring a constructive setting for academic inquiry.
  3. It develops and implements proactive measures and programs reflective of the Core Commitments.


  • Help advise the College community about acceptable behavior that is civil and respectful of all.
  • Hear current and past student discipline and small incident scenarios and develop questions for consideration and make recommendations to the Assistant Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs.
  • Prepare suggestions for Faculty and Staff on how to approach difficult situations in and out of the classroom.
  • Assist with the development of a new plagiarism workshop for students with academic integrity infractions.
  • Assist with the development and implementation of an anger management/conflict resolution workshop for students with behavioral infractions.
  • Develop a list of creative sanctions for the Assistant Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs to use for future Code of Conduct violations.
  • Develop and administer a survey about the climate of civility on campus and carry out a social-norming campaign based on the results.
  • Plan campus dialogues on important and relevant issues.
  • Promote the College's Honor Code and Core Commitments.
  • Participate in College programs and serve as an example of high standards of personal and social responsibility.
  • Serve on a College Discipline Board when asked


Applications are now being accepted. Interested students should contact


Last Modified: 5/10/24