Say Hello to Microsoft 365 for Education!

MCC is proud to offer our students access to Microsoft 365 for Education.

  • Microsoft 365 account. Use Microsoft Outlook Web App or Microsoft Outlook to access your MCC e-mail, but sign in through the My MCC web portal at
  • After logging into the My MCC Web Portal, click the "My MCC E-Mail (Office 365, Word, Excel, Powerpoint)" link under My Links on the portal page.
  • Microsoft 365 comes with e-mail, calendar, contact lists, Office Web Apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, & OneNote), and OneDrive - 7 GB of online file storage. Office Web Apps are an online office suite offered by Microsoft, which allows students to create and edit files using lightweight, web browser-based versions of Microsoft Office applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.
  • See more information on the Microsoft 365 Apps, web and installing desktop versions.

View the FAQ's on the left to learn more about Microsoft 365 for Education and start using Microsoft 365 to communicate, collaborate, and share!

Note: Students who previously used SkyDrive, the older version of OneDrive, can access the files stored there by logging on to


Last Modified: 9/10/24