been a supporter of Service- always believed that students have to learn to give back," said Cowan. "We have a responsibility to teach students that they have to be a bigger part of their community. It isn't just enough to live in it they have to understand what the community's needs are." of Service-Learning, a credit-bearing educational experience in which students participate in an organized ac- tivity that meets identified community needs, and then reflect on their service. ing Program began early in Cowan's presidency, with a small $2,500 grant and only one course. Since then, the program has grown remarkably. Currently, Middlesex offers more than 100 Service-Learning courses and has more than 350 active community partners. Over the last 20 years, more than 10,000 students have completed more than 234,000 service hours. only locally, but also nationally. Middlesex was selected by Campus Compact, a nonprofit coalition of more than 1,100 college and university presidents committed to developing the |