Non Profit Management

Intro to Grant Writing
This class provides an introduction to nonprofit grants, prospect research, and grant writing. The course will take you through the grants process, from identifying potential funders through receiving a grant and beyond. Learn best practices to strengthen your organization and improve your chances to receive funding. As part of the class, we will work to prepare answers to common grant questions and understand what funders are looking for. All classes will be led by David Byrd, MNA who is the founder of Capacity Blueprint. $200
9/24 - 10/22       7:00pm - 9:00pm      Tuesday
Online with Class Meeting Times
Course Number: CAR 944 75       CRN: 18209
Professor: BYRD

Advanced Grant Writing
The aim of this course is to help deepen the understanding of the grant world and to enhance grant writing skills. Each week, we will focus on a specific topic that will serve to strengthen grant proposals and develop effective grants strategy so that the grant applications will not only be strong, but also strategic and impactful to the nonprofit. Examples include in-depth prospect research, program description sections, creating an effective strategy, and more. This course is appropriate for staff grant writers, consultants, and anyone looking to increase their grants knowledge. $200
10/29 - 12/03    7:00pm - 9:00pm             Tuesday
Online with Class Meeting Time
Course Number: CAR 503 75       CRN: 18462      
Professor: Byrd
No class November 26

Nonprofit Management Certificate

This online program introduces the key concepts and critical management components for all nonprofit organizations. From fundraising and board development to volunteer management and program evaluation, this comprehensive series of courses is designed for anyone interested in launching a nonprofit organization or assisting in your own professional growth. Each class has exercises designed to further understand course concepts as well as real world case studies. Topics: Introduction to Nonprofit Sector, Nonprofit Theory of Change, Nonprofit Financial, Nonprofit Board Governance, Program Development & Evaluation, Nonprofit Fundraising, Building Your Base of Supporters and Lifecycle Strategic Planning. The program has three segments. You may enroll in one, two, or three segments listed below. Complete all three session segments for a certification of completion. Taught by Kia Harris Tattegrain live via Zoom. Ms. Tattegrain is Founder and Executive Director of Dare Humanity.

Session I: Intro to Non-Profit Sector, Non-Profit Theory of Change, Non-Profit Board Governance Goverance
(12 hours)     $230

9/17 - 09/26       7:00pm - 9:00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Online via Zoom
Course Number: CAR 988 75       CRN: 18384

Session II: Non-Profit Financials, Non-Profit Fundraising, Building Your Base of Supporters Supporters (14 hours) $270

10/01 - 10/15     7:00pm - 9:00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  Thursday
Online via Zoom
Course Number: CAR 989 75       CRN: 18385

Session III: Non-Profit Program Development (10 hours) $180

10/16 - 10/24    7:00pm - 9:00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Online via Zoom
Course Number: CAR 990 75       CRN: 18386

Last Modified: 7/16/24