Interview Exchange Process for Hiring and Onboarding

Welcome to Middlesex Community College! We are focused on equity to transform lives and shape futures.  MCC values equity and inclusion as the foundation for excellence, innovation, and success for our employees and students.  MCC is committed to a policy of affirmative action, equal opportunity, equal education, non-discrimination, and diversity to provide a learning and working environment that values the diverse backgrounds of all students and employees. Equal employment opportunity will be realized throughout the employee life cycle, including recruitment, hiring, benefits, compensation, professional development, and promotion. Our goal is to advance an engaged and diverse workforce where individuals and groups thrive while contributing to our mission.

One Paperless System

  • Interview Exchange will now be used as the sole  and primary way of hiring all full-time and part-time employees, new or returning.
  • The use of Interview Exchange allows for all hiring and for a majority of the onboarding process to be paperless.


  • All current benefitted employees should have access to Interview Exchange using their Middlesex Community College email address. Employees who have previously logged into Interview Exchange may continue to use their same password to access the website.
  • Employees who previously did not access Interview Exchange, should have received an email in December 2020 requesting that they set up an account. If you did not receive this email and do not already have an account please contact any HR team member to inquire about your access.
  • All Part-time employees are now required to have a Middlesex Community College email address. This is required in order to access Interview Exchange as a current employee.
  • Access for Student Hiring
    • Supervisors/Managers who hire and onboard non-work study student employees will need additional access to the Onboarding Module within Interview Exchange to access and process important documents for student hires. If you are a supervisor that generally hires student employees, please contact any HR team member to inquire about getting access to the onboarding module within the Interview Exchange system. 

No Paper Forms
Types of E-Forms:

Electronic Onboarding Packages
  • Employees will now receive an offer letter or annual contract of employment through the Interview Exchange Onboarding Module. 
  • Employees will be able to submit onboarding forms such as I-9, Direct Deposit Form, etc. through IE Onboarding. 
  • To review policies and procedures prior to hire, employees will be routed to the new HR Onboarding Page for review and acknowledgment. 
Training Guides for Interview Exchange E-Forms 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 
Question: How do I hire a full-time employee?
Answer: The process for hiring full-time employees has been improved to incorporate HR best practices. A Hiring Request Form is used for all full-time positions, regardless of funding status, and requires posting and a job description. The Position Request Form has been replaced with the Hiring Request Form. Candidates selected for a full-time position receive an electronic offer letter and an onboarding package, all generated through IE and may fill out the documents electronically. 

Question: How do I hire a part-time employee? 
Answer: The first question to consider when hiring a part-time employee is whether the employee is a returning employee. If a part-time employee is returning to work in the same position that they worked in during the past fiscal year, the position does NOT require posting and a Renewal Request Form may be filled out. If the part-time employee is not a returning employee from the past fiscal year, the part-time position must be posted and a Hiring Request Form shall be used. This will also require an accompanying job description.

Question: How do I issue payment to a current faculty member for job duties completed outside of their regular workload?  
Answer: A payment issued to a current employee, generally a faculty member, for work completed outside of an employee’s general job duties is a stipend. This requires the processing of a Stipend Request Form through IE. Employees receive a contract of employment for the stipend work upon approval of the Hiring Manager and HR/Payroll Representative. One Stipend Request Form may be issued to multiple employees receiving the same stipend at the same time by "Cloning the Workflow" within IE. 

Question: How do I hire a student employee (non-work study)? 
Answer: There are two processes available in Interview Exchange for hiring student employees. A hiring manager must first determine whether they are seeking to post a student position to recruit students for a job or if they have already identified the student they seek to hire for a position. A Student Employee Request to Post Form should be utilized when there is a need to post a student position through Interview Exchange. Please note, the College no longer uses Handshake to post student positions.A Student Hire Form should be utilized if a student employee (non-work study) has already been identified for a position.Once the Student Hire Form is approved by all parties, the Hiring Manager shall access the Onboarding Module in IE to issue students a Contract of Employment, W-4, I-9, and/or direct deposit form. Student hires will receive an email alert notifying them of the electronic documents and giving them information about electronic submission.

Question: Which paper forms have been eliminated? 
Answer: The Position Request Form and the JAF have been eliminated. The Position Request Form that was previously submitted to cabinet for position approval has been replaced with the Hiring Request Form. Senior leaders must continue to make requests for new positions through the President's Leadership Council (PLC). After their request has been approved, they should submit a Hiring Request Form through Interview Exchange. The JAF form has also been replaced with the Renewal Request Form, for part-time employees that have previously worked at the College. The Stipend Request should be used when issuing payment to current employees for work completed outside of their general job duties.

Question: What is the exit form and when do I use it? 
Answer: The IE exit form is used to notify different College departments when an employee exits the College. This is necessary to ensure the employee is disconnected from access to College systems and for employment records to be updated. The exit form is used whenever an employee exits the College, regardless of the reason for leaving. This may include, but is not limited to, resignation, retirement, end of assignment, termination, etc.

Question: What do I need to do if I am an approver in the task routing process of a form? 
Answer: If you are an approver in the task routing of a form you are responsible to review the form for any discrepancies or errors and approve or deny the form. As a task router you will receive an email that is automatically generated from Interview Exchange when it is your turn to review the form in the task routing process. 

Question: Do I need to fill out an exit form after I've issued a stipend payment to a current employee? 
Answer: No

Question: Multiple employees within my department are leaving the same position at the same time, do I need to fill out multiple exit forms? 
Answer: Yes, you will still have to submit an exit form for each employee that is leaving your department. However, review the Step-by-Step Guide for Multiple Exit Forms for a tip on how to expedite the completion of the forms.

Question: Am I required to submit an exit form when a student employee (non-work study) stops working for my department? 
Answer: Yes, the exit form is also required for student employees (non-work study).

Question: Does the College utilize Handshake to post student positions? 
Answer: No, effective 7/1/2023, the College posts all student employee positions through Interview Exchange. 

Last Modified: 10/13/23