FAQ - Professional Development

I would like feedback or have questions about my course content. Who is the best contact for this?

Your department chair is the best resource for content-specific information. You can find your division and department contacts here.

I would love to meet with or email instructors who have taught my course before to get some suggestions and bounce ideas off of them. How can I connect with other instructors?

Attending department meetings is a great way to meet other instructors and discuss course content. Attend the meetings to learn about initiatives, professional development and department planning. You can also request an informal meeting or contact information through your department chair. In addition, sign up for workshops or contact the Professional Development office to suggest/create a workshop of your own.

How can I improve my use of technology in the classroom?

Please view the following links for more information about utilizing Blackboard as a major component of your classroom material: The Blackboard Online Support Center is available to all MCC Faculty, Staff, and Students at https://help.blackboard.com/

Blackboard Instructional Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFXB-15l1FA

Blackboard Tutorial Videos:https://help.blackboard.com/en-s/Learn/Reference/Blackboard_Learn_Videos

Blackboard Support: https://www.middlesex.mass.edu/technologycenter/blackboard.aspx

In addition to Blackboard support, technology services can also help you use the computer, smartboard, LCD projector or other media in your classroom. Please visit the technology center website here: https://www.middlesex.mass.edu/technologycenter/guides/facstaff.aspx or email the center at servicedesk@middlesex.edu.

The library faculty page also has a variety of online support resources that can help you create a flipped classroom model or use electronic resources to support your course content: http://libguides.middlesex.mass.edu/oer

Visit TED Education here: http://ed.ted.com/


Last Modified: 5/8/24